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mike strutter

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Posts posted by mike strutter

  1. 5 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

    . Also, I am sure Hurlford will face a weakened Talbot team regardless of the cancellation. After all, these lads have been in their bed so impossible for them to be at 100% on Saturday.



  2. 1 hour ago, Talbot supporter said:
    1 hour ago, Jimmy Caskie said:
    How long are the sick lines for? It would be nice to know if our game on Wednesday is going ahead so we can make arrangements with players, fans, caterers, programmes etc. 

    Or does the game go ahead with a weakend team

    How many of the squad are affected .... are you saying you don't have 11 fit players

  3. 24 minutes ago, glensmad said:

    And at long last a league win after five months. emoji16.png

    That's us at the halfway point of our league season now, and hopefully that's a turning point for us as well. We stuck with the team shape that we used at Largs in our last game and again we looked much more solid defensively.

    It's only one result, though, and we have a couple of easy games up next against Pollok and Auchinleck Talbot. emoji849.pngemoji23.png

    Anyhow, for now we'll enjoy our Saturday night for the first time in a while. emoji846.png

    Fair play to you . you were pretty solid at the back so congrats on the win .... it didn't help our keeper making a real howler imo for the goal from the free kick ... park was pretty bobbly and cut up in places and we struggled a bit with that.... think we really need a striker aswell... nice to see you guys having a firm stance on the racism issue and reading out the statement.... well done.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Rob Roy no 1 said:

    Good to see the boys get a good win against a good Clydebank team. Thought the boys worked hard and deserved the victory

    your win was deserved .... but imo it was not against a "good clydebank team" ... we were shit today ... the last few weeks have been the worst football I've seen us play in a long time.... we have reasonably good players on paper but it seems they cannot perform on the park ... quickly becoming bored / annoyed watching this lot now... its simply not good enough.

  5. 33 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

    I applaud ambition but the problem is that there is a perception that Bankies supporters feel they're too good for the juniors.

    Surely you can only truly feel that it's time to progress when you've conquered or outgrown the grade you are currently part of. Neither of those words apply to Clydebank, however much you would like to believe they do.

    Well i can quite honestly say that I've never thought we are too good for the juniors and its not an opinion I've heard among the supporters i know.... having not won the top tier league it would be a bit silly to have this attitude ..... the opposite could be said intact that its Talbot who are too good for the juniors which is why i can't get my head round your willingness to hang around the "small pond" when you are clearly a "big fish" within that pond..... my understanding of the talbot mentality is that you are happy to hang around the juniors with what could be perceived as the arrogance of the knowledge that more often or not you are gonna be winning the league .... assuming your gonna be winning the junior scottish then gaining entrance to the scottish proper and all the income that generates which in turn enables you to strengthen to further dominate the junior game.... and so year after year the cycle repeats itself.... ultimately you guys go nowhere and the game itself is left in somewhat of a stranglehold with no one else able to access the riches of the scottish proper .... how you can resist the temptation of branching out ill never know... i enjoy visiting beechwood as its a great wee ground and a cracking surface but its the home fans who ruin it for me...some of them are truly nasty in their attitudes to travelling fans...the bitterness is off-putting.

  6. 10 hours ago, Blackie Gold said:

    Change the record ffs. When we all move to the pyramid the small pond goes with it, and guess who will be in it. Well not you chaps your going to the EOSL where you will tread water like your doing in the juniors.

    “Change the record” ????...... deary me ... listening to you lot whenever we play each other is like a game of cliche bingo... the “homeless” and  “Scottish cup medals” comments are so frequent they’re greeted with sarcastic cheers now...  lol... as for us treading water well that may be... that’s why we have ambition to play at a more progressive level and actively try to make this happen... unlike yourselves..

  7. 28 minutes ago, Blackie Gold said:

    I think you know we voted to stay Junior. However in a recent TV programme our secretary intimated that if the Juniors move to the pyramid Talbot would follow. He also said we would be in it to win it. Hope this is of help.

    Big fish in a small pond scared stiff to swim in the open water.... stifling the junior game...  i know it , you know it , the dugs in the street know it...... zero ambition.

  8. 8 hours ago, Talbot supporter said:


    You could say this about any team the bubble will burst lol , I think we have proved to everybody over the years that the bubble won't burst

    How did talbot vote on the joining of the pyramid issue ?

  9. On 11/11/2019 at 00:32, Talbot supporter said:
    On 10/11/2019 at 23:59, WitsTheGoalieDain? said:
    Neither do we pal. Smashed yous 3-1 the last time we met at holm park lol.

    Aye yous cling onto that for now

    Hard to forget really... we embarrassed you’s and the wailing and screaming from the away support was comical.

  10. 32 minutes ago, TFW said:

    Your words don't lie. It's like folk saying "I'm not a racist, but....."

    "I'm not advocating hostility but...." strikes exactly the same chord, and I'm sorry if you don't want to see that, because it's nothing at all to do with me regurgitating anything, it's your own words.

    No it’s not ... it’s you having an opinion on what I’m saying , being wrong , but still trying to convince me that what your saying is what I’m meaning... which it isn’t ... so don’t tar me with the same idiotic opinion as your own.

  11. 7 hours ago, TFW said:

    You won't realise it, obviously, but you've just hit upon why football violence sometimes - unfortunately - happens, with your remark "I'm not advocating hostility BUT......" which means you ARE advocating hostility. Therein could lie a problem.

    No m8 ... I’m not ... it’s obviously just the way you think things through.. I say one thing then you regurgitate it in your mind and imply I mean an other ... sorry , but that won’t work 

  12. same old talbot ... they're never at fault ... i wonder how they'll react when sooner or later their own travelling fans are welcomed at away grounds in the same way they welcome visitors to beechwood ... I'm not advocating hostility but if they keep dishing it out they'll have no complaints when they receive a bit of their own medicine on their travels ?????... not the way forward but them the breaks i guess.

    What i am taking from the talbot fans responses is that any requests from their club for visiting fans to use certain gates and occupy certain areas can be considered as merely a verbal request and nothing more ?

  13. What was the point in talbot issuing a statement before the game insisting Clydebank fans entered the ground using certain gates only and were restricted to certain areas within the ground ???.... if you insist on segregation then shouldn’t you make sure it’s adhered to ??.. 

    in the highlights video you can clearly see talbot fans celebrating their teams deserved win after the 2bd and 3rd goals in 2 areas of the ground that were designated for the use by Clydebank fans...  can fans enter the ground where they like and stand where they like at Beechwood or not ????

  14. 14 minutes ago, Ringford10 said:
    58 minutes ago, BTID said:
    Matt and JD defended excellently, Waters also made a few great saves early on. On the ball really poor tbh a lot of work needed and the shape had us camped in but no outball when we won possession. 
    Tough place to come get 3pts though!

    Was Chris Black playing today.

    yes he was ... in the middle with black ... neither had a particularly good game tbh 

  15. 1 hour ago, griffiti on the wall said:

    Not a problem absolute shite venue tho No hot/ cold drinks ,pastries or snacks

    Maybe they are only on sale when the landlords are at home and not the tennant





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