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Posts posted by MarkoRaj

  1. How much to you trust Curtice?


    Bearing in mind he is a loyalist sympathiser, who really doesn't like putting forward a positive case for the Yes vote (as can be seen from the tear stained blog). Now would he be publishing an article implicitly stating a huge Yes lead if it was not true?

    Is the telegraph so seething that they aren't advertising their paper because they don't want to announce a yes lead? You would think that would be a headline announcement rather than having to go searching blogs to find it.

    He links to the article btw. This is really important, no matter how unreliable the polls are it shows that we won't be frightened into voting no. I was genuinely fearing that there would be a poll out showing us at under 45 and demoralising the campaign.

  2. Many thanks. To be honest my head is already done in with this. Seriously thinking about unplugging from the news coverage as I'm finding I'm getting more and more disgusted with it. My mind is already made up and nothing from the no camp is going to change that.

    Exactly my thoughts. I'm getting depressed with the constant stream of scaremongering from the unionist media. It's been brutal. Just type in Scottish independence into Google and a plethora of negative articles from the last 24 hours appear.

    If Yes can win, it will be an almighty achievement.

  3. My granda seems like he's going to be swayed now. More in a going along with the rest of his family way than what he really believes is the right decision.

    Also had a 74 year old woman tell me she was yes and she actually asked me if I was on wings. They're not all too old to get info online

  4. Despite living in Scotland for 28 years of my life I have an English accent so people assume a lot. Although I'm voting yes I'm very skeptical about a lot of what is getting said by both sides of the argument. I don't immediately call those on the no side Fuds. I question everything wether the Yes side or the No side, I don't blindly agree or disagree on the majority of things.

    Neither do I, still don't get anyone in my face. Still, good luck with having an English accent in Scotland, sounds like it can be dangerous
  5. Thanks for pointing that out. I thought I'd edited that first post to say "recently most have". I missed it.

    Pat yourself on the back and feel the glow of righteousness for spotting an inconsistency in what I have been saying. It doesn't change anything. I'm still voting Yes.

    A yes voter who has had 'people get in my face more often who are Yes voters than those who are No supporters'

    What are you saying that makes them get in your face? I don't know anyone who has been subjected to such aggression apart from some campaigners, but none from their own side.

  6. My experience is just that mine. I didn't say it held true over all, only in that every discussion I've ever been involved in degenerates to a slagging match.

    As for spreading anything rubbish? By claiming that the No campaign has more Fuds you're doing the exact same thing, do you have hard numbers backing that claim up? Or is it just an opinion based on your experiences?

    I've been discussing independence for 2 years now and not once has it turned into a slagging match. So either you've only been discussing it with argumentative simpletons or you're lying.

  7. To be honest, in my experience this is true (Not getting assaulted). A lot of Yes supporters get almost militantly argumentative when someone says that they are going to vote No and just badger people. I've had people get in my face more often who are Yes voters than those who are No supporters (although to be fair there's been a few). Walking round Glasgow you see loads of Yes stickers but very few No stickers and imho it's because people don't want the hassle that goes with it.

    Absolute bollocks

  8. It's not meant to be a killer blow. If someone accuses you of doing something they have done or are doing themselves then throw it back at them. It won't have anyone changing sides but it may make enough undecided people recognise the hypocrisy of it to make a difference to their campaign. People like to trust their politicians (laughable I know) and a response in kind from Darling would have eroded trust in Salmond at the point he was trying to build it among the undecided. It's so easy.

    BT have also handled the the SNP NHS scaremongering really poorly. That's another open goal missed. I saw something the other day during a fleeting visit about Scottish NHS privitisation which makes the SNP look like clear hypocrits. A couple of posts later a No supporter in true BT style gave the Yes side an open goal for deflection. They seized on it. That's guys on a football forum taking a chance, why can't Darling. Wish I could remember which thread it was on now, it was a perfect example of the type of thing BT have been guilty of.

    Costing up to the tories trying to get legislation through in a minority government is not the same as campaigning for Scotland to be ruled by Tories that they didn't vote for. I don't think that kind of pathetic whataboutery would fool anyone.

  9. Eh?

    Why is he a bell-end for doing this? It's an investment - same as any other investment Would he be a bell-end if he bought 1 million pounds worth of Apple shares?

    Sorry this was a while ago but I'm just catching up. I don't think it's wise to be bringing up shares northern rock.

    For the record, if he'd bought 800k of Apple shares 3 months ago he would have made 89 grand profit by now.

    It's an investment - same as any other investment that "may go down as well as up".

    Not all investments have the same risk. The chances of Scottish independence are far greater than the risk of Apple shares being worthless.

    In fact investing in a blue chip company is not even comparable to a bet in terms of risk

  10. I occassionally get videos of some fucking goon Morton supporter called Ryan O'Donnell appearing on my newsfeed due to a couple of my friends liking his status. Each video usually consists of the boy filming himself in his car shouting some pish which he presumably reckons is funny into the camera.

    The guy obviously fancies himself as a bit of a crazy japester when in truth he is an absolute roaster of the highest order.

    Has anyone else been subjected to this pish?

    I've seen a few of his videos. Genuinely horrific. He gets hundreds of likes as well. What is wrong with people?

  11. That's exactly how to do it. Quiet one on one chats is the most productive tactic, backed up with the appropriate literature. Nobody I know has been polled either btw and in fact, nobody I know even knows anyone who has. FFS! who is actually being asked to take part in these polls?

    Probably less than 5% of the population. Not sure why you would expect that you would know them personally, the chances are very slim. In terms of trends though, most show there hasn't been significant movement to Yes for a long time. Sickening really. I am starting to despise Unionists and Rangers fans especially.

    I can see where you're coming from in that I speak to recently converted yessers regularly but you would have to assume these cretins are also getting through to people.

    My argument against using polls to definitively predict the final outcome though has always been that with the 'uncertainty' campaign that no have persisted with, undecideds are never going to be fully no until the day of the referendum (it's generally accepted that indy offers more than the union, it's just perceived as more risky, right?) so these people are there to be convinced, it's just a case of getting through to them in time. Basically a yes is a definite yes but there are definitely soft nos.

    The 3 people in my office were firm nos and now all 3 are undecided. Not saying it's reflective of the whole country or anything but I haven't once met someone who had changed from yes to no.

  12. I probably wouldn't pipe up about others' knowledge of gambling, given your famous "it's not gambling" Northern Rock episode.

    There was another thread about gambling I read recently. I think the gambling university thread where hb refused to believe anyone on here could be making money out of it, demanded to see proof and then when a p & l account was provided showing massive profits, just disappeared from the thread for a year

  13. I disagree with that , Israel doesn't have a monopoly on Jewish opinion you know?its ok to condem Israels policies without being branded anti semetic.Its funny how people like Galloway can constantly condem arab countries as dictatorships and homophobic and sexist and no one accuses him of being islamaphobic but slag Israel....

    Condemning israel does not mean not allowing Israelis into Bradford. That's fascism. I'm right behind condemnation of Israel and its policies but that's not what this is at all.
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