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Posts posted by MarkoRaj

  1. What the hell do conflicts Iraq and Afghanistan have to do with Scottish Independence? I really wish YS would stop using this for cheap politicking - lets pick an emotive subject that people all over the UK disagreed with and use that to win votes.

    It's not hard to arrive at the conclusion that an independent Scotland would be less likely to invade Iraq or Afghanistan.

    No voters say "it's better when we pool resources" - well when our money is being pooled together in order to pay for things like nuclear weapons and illegal wars it is logical to question whether we would actually be best just spending Scotland's money on things that benefit Scotland

  2. Conservatives less popular than Gordon Brown's May 2010 Labour Party according to the latest Ashcroft poll.

    And we're still told we'll get a Conservative Government if we vote No.

    The only thing that's certain is that Scottish independence makes it more likely that the rest of the UK will get a Conservative government, given that 40 or so seats accounts for about half of Labour's predicted majority.

    So we will never get a Conservative government again?

  3. My wife doesn't realise I've made up her mind yet.

    My Mrs was a staunch no at first. Thankfully she has seen the light. Tbh she didn't know wtf she was talking about, havering about not having a mail, police or fire service and her employer moving away so once presented with the facts she was easy enough to convince

  4. Thanks for that insightful analysis. My original point was that most people who post on threads like this cherrypick anything economic that fits their preferred argument on a visceral identity politics level rather than genuinely looking at this pragmatically. Personally think that the SNP stopped making a convincing rational case for independence at around about the point where Jim Sillars lost the plot with his 90 minute patriots rant.

    Jim Sillars has criticised the campaign for independence and in no way shape or form speaks for the SNP. Still why let any facts get in the way.

    Why not provide evidence of 'cherrypicking on threads like these' rather than just claiming that 'most people' do so. It's not really an argument is it.

  5. A lot of people who choose to highlight the economy when they find a way to make it fit their preferred argument are really guided by visceral level emotions based on "them and us" identity politics.

    What are you basing this on?

    For me that doesn't do anything but highlight how low on fact and high on spurious drivel the No argumenty has been throughout

  6. Just finished season 2. Can't get over how disappointing this show has been. So many long spells where nothing happens whatsoever and I can't stand any of the characters apart from Jessie. Only thing keeping me watching is people saying that it picks up in 3 but it really doesn't seem worth investing any more time in it.

  7. Big team meeting at work today so a few things.

    People who don't know how to use PowerPoint. Clue: it is to compliment what you are saying by adding graphs,photos or highlighting key point. It's not your speech fucking verbatim. If it is f**k off and I'll read it at my leisure.

    People who set out the tea and coffee and don't understand the order goes, cups,tea/ coffee,hot water,milk,biscuits. Anything else defeats the point of queuing and leaves the whole table like hyenas round a zebra carcas as people nip in and out and back and forward.

    Other people.



    Had my work do on Thursday night and hearing people drone on and on and on about figures that you can read for yourself is absolutely brutal.

    Also, my area manager came out dressed as a boxer to Eye of the Tiger. Couldn't make it up

  8. Lies.

    Two weeks prior to polling day, every poll had the SNP in a commanding lead. In fact, every poll (there were 7) after 4th April had the SNP well in front (One actually by 18 percentage points)

    IPSOS-MORI was the first to report an SNP lead in the polls. In February 2011, 3 months before the vote.

    So in 3 months they went from behind to a landslide victory. Sort of proves his point tbh, in a more accurate kind of way.

    Really puts the current polls into context, wouldn't you say?

  9. I just said "a lot of". I drew that conclusion from seeing a lot of posters post similar to what i said, surprisingly.

    Just giving you some more information, just so you can get a more accurate picture rather than making wild assumptions based on a few posters. You say 'a lot', I can't see a lot tbh. Even on the old folks views thread it's about 50/50

  10. It says to me that a lot of the yes voters on here are quite young and everyone is a bit politically naive and reckless when younger. The posters on here seem to hold quite strong viewpoints that seem fuelled by their youthful Scottish patriotism.

    Not sure you can draw that conclusion from a few posters to be honest. Both my parents are yes voters.

  11. The Office


    Scrubs (1-4)

    Arrested Development

    Phoenix Nights (just shading it ahead of That Peter Kay thing)

    I could be here all day chopping and changing to make room for the likes of Friends, The Simpsons, I'm Alan Partridge, The Thick of It, so I'll just leave it at that.

  12. Finally.....I finished watching,

    I have to admit.

    "iS THAT IT" was my reaction to the ending, very disappointed with it, but overerall the whole series was fantastic.

    It's funny I thought it was the greatest ending in tv history but only after I had spent hours reading about it online. When I rewatched it with the Mrs she had same reaction as you. I told her my opinion on it and she was like well the f**k is the point in that? Should be an immediate, definitive ending to end something that you've dedicated so many hours of your life to. Each to their own I suppose. I like the way it lets you make your own mind up and it also meant I could spend a few more hours immersed in it. I think it was very divisive at the time.

    Definitely the greatest tv show ever. Even on second viewing I was totally obsessed the whole way through

  13. snap, although I have had the misfortune of seeing that movie, and brand single handedly spoiled it. the mockney c**t really is abysmal

    That movie is completely shite anyway.

    Russell Brand is a great standup, it seems as though you're letting your (completely wrong) assessment of his character cloud your judgment.

  14. Bridesmaids is a terrific film with some witty writing and great performances. It rightly deserved the acclaim it received.

    Must have been watching a different film. I didn't laugh once. And people contracting food poisoning and shitting themselves is not my kind of witty writing

  15. Saw that "The Hangover" was voted the funniest film ever so decided to watch it. I know about delayed reaction but not laughing yet. I have never seen such a pile of Shyte in all my life. The actors spent 3 minutes more than I did laughing and I didn't laugh for a split second. It must be the unfunniest film ever or else I was given a dodgy copy. If you want to spend 100 minutes watching something (I won't even call it a film) where the funny parts consist of guys showing their bums and unforgettable lines like "I've lost a tooth" then this is the film for you. How this film ever got awards is beyond me.

    Definitely worthy of a -500,000,000/10

    Voted for by who?

    Totally agree though, there is one scene where they wake up and they're hungover and they can't remember anything and it is quite funny for 5 minutes(should I have put that in a spoiler?)

    The rest is completely contrived and totally unfunny.

    I watched the film bridesmaids on the recommendation of a coworker. I haven't spoken to her since

  16. Some guy who I (not unintentionally) haven't seen since school passed me in the car and then added me the other day. He then followed it up with a private mail:

    Hows it going? i never realised that you until you were nearly passed me

    Wtf am I supposed to say to that? Is that honestly all you have to say for the last 6 years?

    Also, there was a video of someone eating a pritt stick appeared on my newsfeed the other day. 10,000 likes. The world is full of morons

  17. Favourite episode is the homer they fall:

    Homer: You used to be a boxer just like me?

    Moe: Yup. They called me Kid Gorgeous. Later on, it was Kid Presentable. Then Kid Gruesome. And finally, Kid Moe.


    Moe: Yeah, he was my manager. Back when I was Gorgeous, everybody wanted a piece of me. But somehow, I just never made it to the big time.

    Homer: Why not?

    Moe: 'Cause I got knocked out forty times in a row. That, plus politics. You know, it's all politics.

    Homer: Lousy democrats.


    Marge: Night vision goggles? A bathroom scale from a soviet sub? A suede briefcase case? Anyone who needs this kind of status symbol must have some terrible emotional problems.

    Homer: Marge, look! "The world's best jacket." If I had this, it would show everybody! [angrily] Show everybody!


    Comic Book Guy: Yes, finally! I would like to return your quote-unquote Ultimate Belt.

    Raphael: I see. Do you have a receipt, quote-unquote, sir?

    Comic Book Guy: No, I do not have a receipt. I won it as a door prize at the Star Trek Convention, although I find their choice of prize highly illogical, as the average Trekker has no use for a medium sized belt.

    Raphael: Whoa, whoa! A fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan. You must be a devil with the ladies.

    Comic Book Guy: Hey, I...uh, de—oh...

    Raphael: Gee, I hate to let you down, Casanova, but, uh, no receipt, no return.

    Bart: I'll give you four bucks for it.

    Comic Book Guy: (sighs) Very well. I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.

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