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Everything posted by AMMjag

  1. Another +1 for the Inter top. If I supported them I'd far rather that than something like Celtic where the only difference each season is slight variations on sleeve trim. Although I'd like to see it with the blue and navy reversed and/or navy replaced with black (or at least a very very very very very very very, very very very dark blue).
  2. I like the thought of SuperT being a Mastermind alias and this is what he's reduced to as a result of the final - i.e. a braindead moron who can't even troll without hot tears streaming down his fat gammon cheeks.
  3. I had that except for Lukaku instead of Sterling, purely out of spite. Obviously Sterling has been outstanding though and I doubt if England would have got any further than Germany without him. I made a genuine point after that game that I hoped one thing to come of Sterling's contribution would be to silence the poisonous element of England's support and a different attitude to players when the going wasn't quite as smooth. Inevitably that has gone tits-up at the earliest opportunity.
  4. DONNARUMMA 69 HahahahhahahhahahbahahhaAaa
  5. Chiellini to sink in a David Gray-esque, cinematic winner in the 97th minute please. Shots of Prince William's brat in fits of tears after.
  6. McCall loves a geriatric back-line. He had Robertson, Maxwell, Archibald and Kinniburgh (still early twenties I think but played like a 40 year old) in his last spell.
  7. https://ptfc.co.uk/ptfc-news/supporter-information-for-rangers-fixture/ 'water marshalls'
  8. Xavi had played about ten senior games by the time he was the same age as Gilmour is now. People seem to think Football Manager = real life and you're a busted flush if you're not pushing 100 appearances by 21. We only need him to be better than Kenny McLean and Callum McGregor to improve our first team, and he already is. He will improve with a full season playing for a weaker team in a strong league, and then he will be at Chelsea or a level not too far off that the following season. If we're hoping for him to be a world class option or close, he's well on the right track.
  9. https://metro.co.uk/2021/06/27/gb-news-viewing-figures-plummet-behind-welsh-language-paw-patrol-14835885/
  10. If there's one thing Tories are good at it's campaigns of relentless bullying against their own. Tremendous entertainment.
  11. People who throw their heads back in excessive laughter and (most annoyingly) start clapping, when someone says something even vaguely amusing. Simon Ferry and Micah Richards are dreadful for this.
  12. Will they still count for play-off games in Scotland?
  13. Imagine having the option of a Kante-Gilmour pairing in central midfield and not using it. If they did that and spunked their entire budget on Haaland then they would absolutely skoosh the EPL and probably Europe too.
  14. The LGBTs at their rallies with their neon face paint.
  15. More than a tad painful at the same time when you think what Hampden could have been like yesterday. I'm all for us punting control of our government out to some Bolsonaro type nutter on an emergency one month basis, just to put a swift end to this nonsense.
  16. I'm still empty after that, probably the most scunnered I've been after a game since Italy in 2007. I fear we're in for a complete nightmare on Friday evening.
  17. Partick Thistle signed a 40 stone, 8 feet tall striker who made his debut away to Ross County, with a dramatic Serengeti style sunset as the backdrop. He scored a point blank header into an empty net and Ian McCall was raving about him afterwards, saying the fans were going to love him.
  18. Got a link to this? Can't see on ticket portal
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