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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Those things literally sound horrible. Kick her in the pie.
  2. I'm sure someone on here said that there is a mass shooting every day. That doesn't tie in with the graph.
  3. It's the greatest country in the world m80.
  4. Gun control won't happen. Millions of American own guns without incident and they don't want to give them up. The majority of gun deaths in America is one of white guys committing suicide, cops shooting blacks, and blacks shooting each other in crime ridden hell holes like Detroit, Englewood Chicago and Oakland. No one cares about them.
  5. A cappuccino or latte is basically a cup of hot milk. If you order one and dump sugar in it then you are a ned with unrefined taste buds.
  6. The core of the NRA are the gun manufacturers. They donate a lot of money to politicians in order to let laws like this through. It's nothing about practicing the 2nd amendment. It's about getting selling guns.
  7. Ban abortion. Ban homosexuality. Ban guns. No, that won't work.
  8. The guy was interviewed twice by the FBI and was on their terror watch list yet he was allowed to legally own an assault rifle. Even if you don't want a universal ban on gun surely you can admit terrorists shouldn't be allowed to buy guns.
  9. Njord scares easily but he'll be back and with more aliases.
  10. The father is at it. Clearly the Orlando shooter wasn't alone if there's a 2nd guy in LA.
  11. CNN Breaking News â€@cnnbrk 1m1 minute ago Suspect arrested at L.A. Pride festival after authorities find weapons and explosives in his car. Watch CNN. http://cnn.it/go
  12. It's fucked up when the gun nuts are still making excuses for assault weapon ownership even when it helps an terrorist attack. It probably doesn't help that the victims were gay.
  13. t Thankfully it's everywhere on the Internet.
  14. I think his next Tweet is worse. He is a complete psychopath. The epitome of the NRA & Republicans. I hope he is made to stand down.
  15. When a terrorist attack happens in Europe everyone is appalled. When it happens in Africa or Asia no one cares. When it happens in the US they say they deserve it for not having gun control.
  16. Horrible stuff. Omar mateen was the shooter. An islam extremist.
  17. Wilkinson Sword. Am I beach wready? Of course I am.
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