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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Pensioners are getting hit the worst? Pleasing.
  2. King is probably not too keen to admit Brexit been a complete mess after backing it.
  3. He's probably dodged a bullet if they are still using phone lines.
  4. How did you get on? This is the most interesting thing to happen to me today!!
  5. I don't think Wilson, Scully or McDaid will ever make it. Maybe add Fraser into that unless he shows something this season.
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-36620092 A shooting in Clarkston. Window broken.
  7. Take an antihistamine mate. Sort ye right oot.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36610068 Some crazy guy shoots a bunch of people at a cinema in Germany.
  9. Mind Chuckles Green tried to sell the roof of Murray Park as advertising space? The new stuff like the Scottish Cup final is good but you can't beat the classics.
  10. She looks rough. I bet she'd have a fanny like a stab wound on a gorilla.
  11. The vote didn't go the right way but the senator had successfully filibustered. Just being able to say filibuster is reason enough for a filibustering by a filibusterer.
  12. Memorise some posts from the Quick Question thread in case they ask if you have any questions.
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