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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Don't be revolting, Darling! I wouldn't lick a Gammon if he was glazed in honey!
  2. That costs money which the local governments want to waste elsewhere.
  3. Do they know why he got banned? That is a scandal.
  4. Is there literally anyone who wants Brexit and isn’t a compete c**t?
  5. Britain is largely a dump. All the money is kept in London. The rest of the country is left to fight it for the scraps and it shows. It’s not even worth going to anywhere in England apart from London.
  6. At least we know that TM puts peace in Ireland as not as important as leaving the single market.
  7. 26% of people think No deal Brexit means the UK stays in the EU.
  8. Those cargo boxes that attach to the roof of your car. You can’t fit anything of decent size in it. I guess your just meant to throw you clothes and straight in it and hope for the best.
  9. People who can’t work the self serve checkouts but still use them.
  10. M. Night Shyamalan makes terrible movies.
  11. That’ll just be more project fear. Buy British and it’ll be fine.
  12. I went to Switch Reno with my old boss. He was going through a simultaneous messy divorce and a midlife crisis so he was a bit of a freak and it was a decent trip. I can't imagine going anywhere the current management though. Sinfully dull individuals who are only interested in sooking off the upper management.
  13. Utter gimps in the Labour party still hold the belief that if Corbyn was in cherge of the negotiations he'd have the EU on the ropes and walk away with a fantastic deal. Let's just ignore the fact that he's done nothing for 2 years to lay a glove on her.
  14. Was he on the BBC? They had him on Question Time as well. He's Gammon personified.
  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-46895002 Calls to ban low-level letterboxes and adopt EU standard. The Communication Workers Union is campaigning for new buildings to meet EU letter box height standards. They might be a bit late with their campaigning.... or are they?
  16. Hilariously the Portmeirion pottery factory in Stoke-on-Trent where May gave her Brexit speech received a £400,000 EU grant. Blue passports though.
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