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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Liam Fox in the Irish Independent on a border and a Hard Brexit. Mr Fox this morning said: “Are they really saying that they would rather not negotiate and end up in a no-deal position? “ He claimed this “seems to me quite irresponsible”. These Leave fuds are unreal. They create the mess then blame everyone else but themselves.
  2. If Corbin actually cared about Britain or the Labour Party he’d step down. He’s as bad as May in wanting to hold onto power.
  3. Nasty. I hate when someone has the skitters and the sound of their shite is like they are pouring out a can of cold soup. Keep that at home.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-nissan-idUSKCN1PR0HE I'm sure it's nothing to do with Brexit. These things happen all the time.
  5. I'd hate to see Jimmy Nicholl's training methods. I imagine there would be a lot of flutes and fathers' sashes involved.
  6. Tomorrow when she goes to bed leave the house and don’t go back.
  7. They don't have the money to properly treat the roads and people can't drive for shit. It makes you wonder how well the Government are preparing for the Hard Brexit when the country falls into disarray every winter over 2cm of snow.
  8. It looks perfect for low budget horror/zombie movie.
  9. Tacky football signing announcements. Maybe acceptable when Juventus signed Ronaldo but not for this.
  10. 80s comedian Jim Davidson outing himself as a racist fucker.
  11. Further proof the BBC is basically the same as the Daily Express.
  12. Understandable. It’s owned by the Dutch.
  13. How can a rich country like Venezuela be such a shit storm? Cause Communism. Handing over their oil for capitalism would be worth it.
  14. There is literally no way the 2 burds in the middle are Leavers. Leavers are all angry, obese, racist gimps and then there's the men.
  15. The army is on standby due to heavy snow in Britain. 4 inches expected. I always tell my wife that 4 inches is a lot. I’ve finally got proof.
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