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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. There's no way Tories or Labour MPs will vote against the party and the wishes of their constituents. Article 50 is coming and it's going to come in dry.
  2. If I won the lottery I would see my family right then disappear. Buy land with a private beach in Costa Rica build a 20,000 sq ft house and live the rest of my days like Homer the hippie.
  3. Florida is peak 'murica. It's a colourful, lawless swamp.
  4. No wonder you can't get up. You've got 1 1/2 hours of interrupted sleep. Why not just set it for 7:50am and hit snooze it once and then get up?
  5. Honda hitting out with the classic “it’s not you it’s me” line. Deep down you know it’s not true but you kid yourself on because the alternative is accepting that you’re a gammon faced, hate filled racist that no one wants.
  6. I don't care about the raging gammons but I feel sorry for genuine people.
  7. Labour are the sevco of politics. We are in peak banter years.
  8. Ultimately I think the Spanish will protect the British ex-pats living there. Not cause they add anything to the economy but more cause the Spanish aren’t utter c***s like the British.
  9. The **** looking for enemies is classic behaviour. I like it. It takes me back to when John Brown was still looking for deeds and destitute **** were conned out of money in the RFFFFFFF scam.
  10. Blue tortilla chips. They’re made from Hopi blue corn.
  11. I’d assume Caldwell spent the entire transfer window trying to bring in someone better but couldn’t so he had to look at alternatives. I don’t believe McDonald was our No1 target. If the choice was taking a punt on McDonald or no one I’d easily choose McDonald. If I he scores even 1 goal then he’ll have scored more than Roy and Mansell.
  12. And when she doesn’t find one it’ll be the EU’s fault.
  13. It sounds like she spent her entire time in Syria hiding in a cave, getting raped, having miscarriages and watching people get their head cuts off. It still took her 4 years to decide whether or not she would be better off in the UK.
  14. It’s ok. We’ll have innovative Raspberry jam instead.
  15. I had to eat lunch in the work canteen earlier. Nachos.
  16. Yvonne is horrible scheme goblin name. Absolutely no surprise she didn’t understand what Brexit was .
  17. Yvonne is horrible scheme goblin name. Absolutely no surprise she didn’t understand what Brexit was .
  18. What part of the southside is meant to be nice? The only benefit I can see is that it’s less expensive and snooty than the west end. That’s like saying mince is better than steak because it’s cheaper.
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