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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Some diddy backbencher. I doubt JRM or Gove will. It turns out they've made some bad investments.
  2. 5500 now with more than a few references to WW2 and speaking German.
  3. I'm against a 2nd referendum. The 17.4 million gimps who voted for Brexit deserve what comes their way.
  4. Is that including those who died from disease? I remember reading that more died from disease that were shot.
  5. Working from hame today and watching that Star Trek: TNG Identity Crisis. The best work colleague is the one you don't need to interact with.
  6. Some of the reaction to Trump is over the top but then I am reminded of this-
  7. Poland is celebrating 100 years of independence on 11/11/18. Scotland celebrates 4 years of shiteing it.
  8. The fire in Butte County is 170 sq miles and 23 people have died. Butte lol
  9. When there’s a rattle in the car’s fascia and you can’t find where it’s coming from.
  10. ^^^ Still a better story than Life of Pi.
  11. It’s been a cracker. Great pace to the game for almost 90 mins.
  12. Anyone over 21 who goes Amsterdam on holiday. No one has ever gone to Amsterdam for any other reason than smoke hash and pay for sex. You’re kidding no one you freak.
  13. Gerrard out and the first question the next Rangers manager has got to know is - what’s the words to the sash.
  14. People who stand at the booze aisle in the shop looking over different bottles of wine like they are a connoisseur. Just take anything. They all taste like a homeless man’s feet. Stop pretending you don’t just want it to get pure pished.
  15. It’s not even that surprising any more how dangerously incompetent these Tories are.
  16. Good stuff. Also the guy filming and not bothering helping the fud is a hero.
  17. They don’t deserve a vote either. White women have far more reason to not vote for him than white men though.
  18. Doing unpaid time depends on the job. If it's some pointless office job that makes absolutely no difference to anything and you're working to look good then you're clearly a slag and you deserve the pitiful life you have chosen. If you manage various knickknacks and geegaws then you can't just f**k off home if there is like an ongoing system outage. You'll get heavy sacked for that.
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