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Everything posted by Fotbawmad

  1. The whole new club same club debate isn't going to get anywhere. The fact is everyone knows that Rangers died, and a new club called Sevco Scotland Limited took its place. Of course they took up the pseudonym "The Rangers" so they could pretend to be the same club. Infact why not shorten it to "Rangers" to please the orcs. However, there is no denying that Sevco supporters can't accept they're a new club and more importantly want to believe they're the same club. Of course the succulent lamb brigade and football authorties don't mind maintaining this illusion, but we know the real truth.
  2. It has nothing to do with hating Rangers. Its to do with hating cheats who do it on a systematic scale... Oh wait that was Rangers. The fact is we all knew if one of the OF teams went bust. The chairman and football authorties, as well as the succulent lamb brigade in your teams case. Would want to let them back into the top tier again. Where as teams like Aberdeen, Hearts and Hibs would have the book thrown at them. So the truth emerges that you did want your team to be let back into the top tier after all. They could have voted to let you back in if they wanted, but it would have been incredibly stupid thing to do for the long term health of their respected club. Not only do they risk losing a large percentage of their fans. They also have to think of other teams fans who may refuse to show up to their home games. Most teams that voted to let you into division 1 will get off lightly. Since they don't get any benefit from your team being in the top tier. It was foolish at best for the SPL & SFA to think they could bully SFL teams into letting you into division 1. The only teams that could have suffered is teams like mine that aspire to be an established top tier team one day.
  3. You don't predate the SPL or even my little sister BTW, since you most likely overlooked my post from few days ago I feel I should repost it
  4. The "B" word seems to have lost all meaning in the context of the Bigot Brothers. Its seems to me instead of hating their city rivals because of religion, political alligence or even just because someone supports one of them. Its now used to refer to someone who hates the other football team for the sake of hating them. What else do you expect in a footballing context
  5. BTW Kincardine, I'd still like to know what punishment you would have given your team for not paying PAYE & NIC? Sevco fans are notorious for dodging this issue.
  6. Not when they don't know if they're going to recieve all or even a penny of their wages at the end of the month.
  7. I'm pretty sure that was a joke related to the Motherwell game. I think his tactic here was to sell away tickets to your fans for nothing thus depriving DU of funds. Only to have check mated himself again
  8. Deliberate withholding of PAYE & NIC is not a petty offence by any stretch of the imagination. This is something the majority of oldco fans can't seem to grasp. They did know the punishments available to them at the time being... 1. Removal of football memebership 2. Suspension of football membership 3. Expulsion from the cup 4. Fine Clearly 3+4 are far too petty, and number 1 is too severe. Which leaves number 2 the only option they can go with. No doubt it would have been something like a 1 game forfeit had they gone down that route.
  9. It isn't beyond the realms because he was privately begging creditors to reject the CVA. Not that it ever was going to be accepted due to Hector owning 25+% of the debt. Miller and Ng are rumoured to be false bidders so admin could be strung out. This is mainly due to Miller making outrageous demands that couldn't be guaranteed by the footballing authorites and the location where Ng is situated. There were many genuine bids, but were never made public. Most were offering £10-15m for a CVA, but all complained about D&P being obstructive towards them.
  10. About the TV money, isn't that 80k split with Celtic? My rough calculations show that we won't have a six figure payday off this.
  11. Like DhenBhoy said, you made no reference that it had to be mainly used for football. I take it you're gonna build a new stadium like this in the future I'm sure your team will enjoy playing in front of 1/3 full monastery every other week On another note are they going to extend Hampden in future? Since it doesn't fit CL finals criteria any more.
  12. WRONG! You know news is slow today when a newco threads descends into mud slinging between the ugly sisters.
  13. Would you rather be ruled by Stalin or Kim Il Sung? If Sevconians think its relentless now, They'll never here the end of it when a new club called Thee Rangers F.C gets formed :lol:
  14. Thats some really shoddy journalism. When I saw the bit about how players can't afford to goto training I was calling bullshit on it right away.
  15. That guy could be anyone. Didn't use many technical terms to describe what he was saying. Lawyer my arse
  16. I find it baffling despite football clubs being run by people who have had a lot of success in the business world. It seems basic business principles go out of the window when it comes to running a football club. Maybe they're not risking their own money;maybe they know there is a safety net if things don't work out; maybe football isn't a business that awards people who are highly optimisic, or maybe its just an ego trip for them.
  17. Jumping to conclusions before the storys even broke? No doubt the story will be about the SPL/SFA aiding and abbeting a certain club that either plays or used to play Ibrokes. BTW, how is that share issue going? I've heard you raised in excess of a million pounds.
  18. I remember thinking McAnespie was worth nowhere near that at the time. His subsequent career down the shitter ultimatlely proved that. It did however provide us funds to build new stands to suit the outrageous 10k criteria the SPL were demanding at the time.
  19. Everyone was signing players for six figures back then. The problem was when the SPL was formed, our league was no longer being subsidised to the extent it once was. Thats caused situation where out of contract players are only being signed.
  20. I don't mind it being on a Sunday, but not so keen on kick-off being at midday
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