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Diamonds are Forever

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Everything posted by Diamonds are Forever

  1. Say for example Federer only entered the 4 grand slams and won all 4. Then the next season he only entered the 4 again, and won 3. Does that mean he would be minus points for the season ?
  2. What's that about ? Does that mean if he loses the final he will have lost ranking points overall for the tournament i.e he would have been better staying at home ?
  3. Would tip Murray to win this. Karlovic has a big serve but f**k all else and Murray having such a good return, should cope. Don't quote me on that though (unless I am right of course ).
  4. Just found the book I had to do for Higher English - The Inheritors by William Golding. I had a flick through it and reminded me of how unbelievably hard it was to read. If any of you want a challenge try and read it - it's like a different language. If you don't give up after the first chapter you deserve a medal. Although it's very clever once you realise what is going on
  5. Yet to be confirmed. But it will almost certainly be Monday morning our time, and evening their time. Which is good because if it was played during the day then Nadal would already have an advantage with the heat.
  6. I watched the match this morning, the first time I have seen him play for a while. Looks a much improved player, better shot selection and also a lot fitter. Also doesn't take tantrums as much anymore, although watching him shout abuse at his coach was quite funny. Doubt he will beat Nadal but I have no doubt he will win a Grand Slam in the future.
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