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Everything posted by SS-18 ICBM

  1. No need to be concerned with silly things such as that. Most Celtic and 'Rangers' fans today including myself (Celtic obviously) have friends/relatives who are fans of the other side and friends/relatives not football clubs come first on our list of priorities. The only people who really should be afraid of silly things such as 'this new Star Chamber' should be those associated with it.
  2. Go on Chucky Green and Craigie Whyte, take the deluded blue wafflers for everything and then leave them to rot in hell.
  3. Sounds like a Sevco (The Rangers) home game....or beamback... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RvOridMGG8
  4. What i dont understand about this whole thing with Green, is why if you end up debt free, cash rich, commercial sponsors throw money at you with 100% profits on the shares and doubled turnover all within a year all at the same time as dictating how the league and tv deal gets reconstructed while holding on to all your titles and history, more teams don't try this liquidation lark? Seems like a good business strategy to me He's a shyster and they are going to be sore when they realise it. I'd even have some sympathy if they were going along with it reluctantly as they have no choice but they are revelling in getting behind this man.
  5. I would imagine the papers will have quotes tomorrow, but this is apparently what Green said yesterday. How can a CEO make that statement without falling foul of the FSA, AIM, Companies House or wherever? Unless he also said that there is also a potential to make a 100% loss, of course? That Green stuff is mind boggling. Any zombie who ploughs his dough into this deserves all thats coming. Complete lunacy.
  6. This from CQN earlier: http://www.celticnewsnow.com/news/stories-behind-the-rfc-buy-outs/58204 The Share Purchase Agreement between Murray and Whyte confrimed that the initial tax assessments on the scheme were received by Rangers in the period February to April 2008. The following year they received another assessment (presumably for the prior year) in March 2009, and again in March 2010. My reading of it is that Rangers continued to use the EBT scheme following the first determinations in Feb-April 2008 for the precedung 8 years, and thus the 2009 and 2010 assessments were for the previous year’s contribution. Taking a fag packet and a blunt pencil to it, 85% of the total value of the EBT bill was received in the determinations Feb-April 2008 calcualted against contributions of £41M in the previous years, from a total of £46.7M to 2010. A Penalty notice was received in September 2009, coincident with the appointment of Alistair Johnston as Chairman. Miller, Velicka, Lafferty, Bougherra, Mendes, Edu and Davis were all signed in the summer of 2008 for a value (source soccerbase) of £17 Million, a short number of months after the first tax determinations totaling around £20 Million were received. If any of these players were indeed on EBT enhancing deals, the stupidity is confounding. Thanks to Mark Daly (and RTC by extension) we now know that Davis received £600,000 in EBT benefits, while Mendes enjoyed a whipping £1 Million. Both had side letters. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-18148818 By summer 2010, with all Tax demands received, appeals against the initial £36M tax and interest lodged and due heard October, David Murray’s business utterly ruined, no sight of a buyer after Andrew Ellis had shuffled off, and Lloyds supervising the business, the Board decided it was a good idea to spend £4M on Jelavic. My vocabulary is insufficient to find the words to describe the behaviour of these people.
  7. Rangers should be removed from football sine die. The Rangers name, and anything to do with the Ibrox regime as was, should be stricken from the Game Anybody who imagines that Rangers, in the last 25 years at least, have added anything to Football is as deluded as the **** who think there is still a Rangers. Souness and Minty between them destroyed football, wreaked their ego on the football world, and in the process they pandered to the lowest common denominator of ***, greedy supremacist triumphalist drum banging b*****ds who initially sold their 'culture' out for 30 pieces of silver. As long as they were winning, Catholics became honorary proddies unless they were dumplings on the park. When the 'glory years ended', and Rangers realised not only could they not buy European Glory, but couldn't afford to fire obscene amounts of money at the effort, they made a concious decision to cheat all and sundry to maintain their perceived dominance in the Scottish game. Having failed at that, and having been caught bang to rights, and closed down, we now have a new and even more sinister generation of 'Rangers', Victims! Resurrected are all the old prejudices, dry cleaned are the sashes, drums re-skinned and flutes all polished, and knee length wellies on for wading through ****** blood, that I suppose is just about all we could expect, but much more serious, aided and abetted by Green and Whispering Sally they now have revenge and retribution boiling in their blood, and everybody's sitting back and watching it ripening on the terraces. No good will ever come from letting this mob continue, they are a cancer! Just my tuppence worth!
  8. It will sink in before Christmas for all of the glue-sniffing zombie scum...if they stop sniffing for long enough.
  9. If there's anything worse than your shite patter it's your shite patter with a smiley thinking it somehow makes your mentally challenged, repetitive views meaningful IMO
  10. This winter is going to be great fun reading about all the sevco boys getting scrunched every week in division three. There should be some wonderful GIFs coming along for us all to cheer in unison to.
  11. A Celtic supporter's blog, also a poster on TSFM: http://www.thefootballlife.co.uk/post/34845850248/the-shieldhall-putsch I'm sure he must be considering supporters that have already chucked it, & those that will moreso subsequently. Including me, easily A little learning is a dangerous thing indeed. What a load of desperate, ill-conceived twaddle. Does this guy seriously believe that the scum who follow Sevco will in any way soften their attitudes towards the rest of us should we give them a lift up the ladder through reconstruction? They take it as their right to enjoy the benefits of an uneven playing field. They take it as their right to enjoy ''honest mistakes'' that penalise other teams. They get far more enjoyment out of cheating their way to victory than by playing great football to achieve victory. They regard the right to cheat as their due for being ''the People''. Their entire history proves this. They would regard league reconstruction as the least the rest of us should do for them! They are shameless. This all seems to be based on the belief that punishing Rangers for their many misdemeanors will make their followers bully boys, and that if we treat them nicely they will cease to be such. I think the term in this context is ''appeasement''. He doesn't seem to understand what many of us have known since we were 10 years old -- that bully boys choose to follow Rangers. Graham Spiers and the late Ian Archer already explained this but that seems to be a bit of reading that has passed this blogger by. I'm no longer feeling benign.
  12. Provide sources/links to back up your insinuation that members of the SNP government are corrupt if you want to be taken seriously. No need to provide sources/links for Westminster as we all know that they are 100% corrupt seeing the evidence throughout our entire lives since the day we were born.
  13. Her Majesty the Queen of England's Revenue & Customs agents fired the silver bullets that pierced your hearts and minds, you don't shaft H er Majesty without permission without consequences, and the consequences are death.
  14. For once i actually find myself agreeing with Ben. I agree with everything that you have said in that post Ben and i now think that you may only be half as stupid as i previously thought you were. So...will you be voting YES in 2014 for Scottish Independence to rid your country of the Westminster (Multi-illionaires) who are responsible for Vodafone and other corporations screwing us out of £Trillions with their tax evasion as well as being partly responsible for the death of your old club ?
  15. The zombie features of Tedi and his dad made that an easy mistake to make Hellbhoy IMO.
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