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Everything posted by SS-18 ICBM

  1. Ben only uses that name to give his corrupt friends green dots and everyone else red dots.
  2. Multiple Personality Disorder. Sadly deluded. I already have ya wee fanny, it isn't worth remembering
  3. Rangers FC (IA) are defunct, having ceased to play football during the summer by virtue of selling off all of the clubs assets to pay a tiny percentage of the debts that the club owed its creditors, as the club went bust owing approximately £135million, including cheating the British public out of more than £94million. Your new "diddy" club, the 'The Rangers FC', formerly known as Sevco Scotland Ltd., are very much alive, having been only formed on the 29th of May 2012. Of course, for how much longer remains to be seen... In the meantime the only ragers continue to be you and your idiotic friends who watched your old club die.
  4. Bullshitter Chucky Green rules out SPL return: http://www.sportingl...out-spl-return? October 29 2012, 13:58 GMT Bullshitter Chucky Green has reiterated his stance that Rangers will not play in the Scottish Premier League as long as he is at the club. Same old...same old bullshit from Bullshitter Chucky Green, no surprises. Rangers won't play in SPL under my watch, says angry club chief Bullshitter Chucky Green: http://www.dailymail...rles-Green.html 13:33, 29 October 2012
  5. Another interesting FF article from 10 years ago, Thursday, 26th September 2002 The Rangers Accounts Explained - Problems and Answers: http://www.followfollow.com/news/tmnw/the_rangers_accounts_explained__problems_and_answers_65274/index.shtml I'm posting this purely for historical purposes as we all know how much The zombie Rangers supporters of corruption value their old club's history.
  6. Agreed with his business associates at Ticketus prior to his £2 speculation. "You have to speculate to accumulate" you know. A phrase used by potential profiteers to remind prospective investors that returns can only come from good investment. Really a buzzword (or buzzphrase) to get money from others to squander on fruitless and flowerly ideas. That £2 wager will not be a great loss to Chucky Green if his gamble is unsuccessful, he will have lost time but not money. It will be another huge loss only for the zombies...and nobody other than the zombie supporters of corruption will care about another huge loss to those zombies as it will affect only them .
  7. You can't get any more defeated than Liquidated in my view, but everybody has their own thoughts I suppose. I might be just a greedy b*****d though, because the scenario I would dearly like to see is for HMRC to find that there is a significant enough similarity between The Rangers and Rangers to allow them to deem The Rangers a 'continuity' Rangers, and wallop the Big Tax Bill onto Green's desk. Same business, same bricks and mortar, same strip, same customers, same sponsorship, same name and claiming the history, suggests to me that the similarities between the two shouldn't be too hard to determine. Bust before Christmas, and I honestly wouldn't ask Santa for anything else! The official portal for tax judgements is http://www.financean...px/default.aspx As soon as the judgement is available to the public it will be released here. Normally a day before BAILII will publish it. This morning's STV headline is: Football Talk: Zombie attack, Ibrox leaseback, SPL goals, Torres dive: http://sport.stv.tv/...ls-torres-dive/ And Wednesday 31st October 2012 is the day when Duff & Phelps, administrators for RFC (IA), appear before Lord Hodge at the Court Of Session It could be interesting. There could/should be consequences.
  8. Operating/running costs for Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park while playing in Scotland's fourth tier league (Scottish Football League, Division3) are still the same as they were when the old dead club played in the top league (Scottish Premier League). Non-playing staff, stewards/policing, ambulance service, water, energy companies, building maintenance, rates & taxes, etc all have to be paid. But with greatly reduced income (at least 33% less) from season and match day ticket sales in Division3 which is their only genuine source of major income from football. And with... No income (prize money) from the SPL. No income (prize money) from UEFA. No income of any sort from fans in attendance at European matches and a minimum of 4 years without income from European football. No income from major sponsors due to their history of bumping creditors and tax dodging. Less income from match days due to less league matches if they actually win the SFL's Division3 and very unlikely to reach Cup Finals. The list goes on. It will be very interesting to look at the annual accounts when they appear.
  9. Interesting times and much fun are still to come for all non-Rangers supporters, that is guaranteed due to the numerous investigations into the corrupt affairs of so many associated with the corrupt Rangers FC.
  10. Scottish Premier League: Why the Prophets of Doom May Just Be Wrong: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1387889-scottish-premier-league-why-the-prophets-of-doom-may-just-be-wrongaccording-to
  11. Conduct of Sir David Murray, Craig Whyte and Rangers directors examined: http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/sfl-division-three/conduct-of-sir-david-murray-craig-whyte-and-rangers-directors-examined-1-2595313?
  12. Green delivers little but soundbites but expects fans to deliver £20m: http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/green-delivers-little-but-soundbites-but-expects-fans-to-deliver-20m.19263287
  13. The 19th Century was 2 centuries ago. You really are among the most idiotic of 'The Rangers' fans.
  14. Reminders of your dead club's cheating are always good lest some may forget the details due to you and your corrupt friends continuing to post deflective off-topic bullshit. But I can understand that corrupt tosspots may not like those reminders being posted due to them all playing such a huge part in the administration/liquidation of their club.
  15. 1888 was the 19th century, this is the 21st century. You'll find that the 19th century is in fact 2 centuries ago idiot, this is the 21st century. I mostly blame the schools that people attend for their poor education. But in your case, your parents and yourself must accept partial blame for the abnormal high level of your idiocy. Most people will look upon it as very strange that you have just replied to my comment that i made directly to 'Bendarroch' as though it was made directly to you 'youngsy'.
  16. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ accuses everyone else of doing what he is doing...but he is a 'The Rangers' fan, it is expected.
  17. Of course you "hope for" that. After supporting a corrupt cheating tax/creditor dodging club for many years while glorying in its cheating its way to dominance over smaller clubs, you now find yourself supporting a new club that requires those same smaller clubs to do its bidding for your new corrupt club. Your new corrupt club has no power and you need to con those smaller clubs into voting for a new structure in order for your new corrupt club to rise from its knees to cheat and dominate those smaller clubs all over again. Nobody would expect a fan of a corrupt cheating tax/creditor dodging club not to want what you "hope for".
  18. I probably attend far more Scotland games than you and since you referred directly to me then this is relevant, more relevant however is the percentages of fans at scotland games with regards to what club they support, perhaps you should have done some research before issuing your bold statement, the last time an official survey was carried out 21% of fans attending Scotland games were Rangers fans, I have no doubt this has dropped recently but as a Celtic fan you will surely know that historically you clubs fans have always been under presented at Scotland games The last part of your reply is equally stupid, just ask clyde fans who have no love for our club if they gained finacially from our visit today That is a very easy throwaway comment to make by yourself a proven liar as well as a proven idiot on an internet message board. Even if it were true, which is extremely doubtful considering your record of telling lies and posting idiotic comments here, nobody attends Scotland International matches out of concern about the survival of other Scottish football 'clubs'. Your attempt to have anyone believe that you attend Scotland International matches out of concern for Scottish football 'clubs' is idiotic. You support a corrupt cheating tax/creditor dodging football club that has cheated on all of its opponents including Clyde for at least a decade. If it was not for your corrupt cheating tax/creditor dodging club Clyde and many other Scottish football clubs could be much better off financially today due to all the prize money from cup competitions that your club has robbed other clubs of for many years.
  19. Like i said, "Makes sense." Every other other football club in Scotland and elsewhere will take up any genuine opportunity that ever arises to better themselves. Its funny that you and those of a similar nature to yourself are so keen for the "oldfirm" tag name to continue to be used now that Rangers are dead. It makes both former Rangers fans and Celtic fans think that you are as keen as 'The Rangers' fans to believe that Rangers are still the same club. Yes it is all about the money, that is why people go out to work, money plays a huge part in the reasons why people do many things, especially in regards to those who make a living from sport. What is your point exactly in regards to "It's all about the money"??? P.S. Your big team died, i suggest that you move on and accept that they are dead.
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