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Everything posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 2 people have told me he quit on Saturday. I’ve been refreshing twitter ever since
  2. He said he would but joked no team would have him. If you look at the Brechin team, he’s brought in some left field signings and lined up 1 or 2 players for St Johnston. We need a personality to come in and lift the place.
  3. It comes down to where we train. Hopkin had us training at Cambusdoon, McCall had us training in Glasgow. Training at Cumnock would be easier for central belt based players than the arse end of Ayr. He’s at the BBC almost every day so it wouldn’t be a stretch for him to be in Ayr 3-4 times a week. Depends what we would pay him.
  4. I’d like Craig Levein, he can spot a player and has plenty of experience. Maybe wants to finish a job at Brechin though. he is unlikely. There may be a name in the coaching network that is a standout to someone like Mathie. Queens Park and even Fort William have made interesting appointments recently.
  5. I have my doubts on Ross, seems to be an arse and hasn’t really been the standout a lot of people make him out to be. He’ll also want decent cash to spend and I don’t think any club will fling money at him. I don’t think he would improve either team massively this season.
  6. I can only hope that the Duffy has quit and they are waiting until tomorrow to announce it. Maybe making some phone calls to see if any out of work managers are interested. We played the teams round about us and won two points. We now play teams in the top half, none have shown complacency yet so without new ideas and someone to lift the club, we could be detached by the end of January.
  7. Everyone at Ayr has chucked it, Manager, players, fans. It is a shame to waste an afternoon when we could just post you the three points. We don't even hope the game is postponed until we have players in because none of us think it will help.
  8. When someone boo'd at half time when we were a goal down to Albion Rovers, Muirhead turned round and shouted f**k off. Thistle can have him
  9. What meltdowns exactly? no one has said Queens didn't deserve to win, or that 3-0 didn't flatter us and you have just agreed with the point I made.
  10. We have accepted our humping. We are aware of how shite we are. You really are a precious bunch aren't you?
  11. Looking at the situation. Hopkin leaves/walks/is fired Short term - Smith has to potentially pay him off and his coaching team, then go through a recruitment process. Plan B is retaining the coaching staff in the hope that they come good. initially they do, the team perform better and Duffy is a low risk, safe pair of hands to take us to the end of the season. This saves a lot of money on punting the staff. Mid-Term - Bad results return but as long as we stay out of relegation bother, we will be ok, new manager can rebuild in the summer once Duffy retires. season is a write-off. Sacking Duffy now wouldn't look good, hardly any time has passed since he took over, it would be knee-jerk, managers need time. Now - We are now in the relegation spots and on relegation form. We have a team that clearly don't care and looked condemned with half a season left to play. The time to change is now, unfortunately we will get a manager who has to now panic buy players in January because they weren't expecting to rebuild a team in 6 weeks. I would hope that through this, there is an idea of who would be replacing Duffy long term. Maybe as suggested, someone not available until the summer.
  12. Salty. Not at all, I have seen it on here after we drew and lost on penalties to Dundee United. A corner had been turned and United were back. Two wins on the bounce when Duffy took over...against the two worst teams in the league at the time. Beating us is not hard to do, we have no midfield and our defence is the worst in the league, we had 2 shots on goal which is a lot for this team. But sure, by all means, think you are world beaters
  13. Queens losing to Morton next week will be funny, the comedown of their fans will be spectacular
  14. I used to arrange Christmas activities around the football but at the moment I am not going on boxing day, I might watch the stream but if anything comes up I'll gladly miss it. The only reason to watch currently is to see how bad they are with my own eyes. There is an argument that when it is like this, the team needs your support. In this situation, they don't. 20,000 singing in encouragement couldn't help this shower. Less people watching in disbelief will maybe help them. I've gone through some of the worst times as an Ayr fan. It has normally been down to circumstance that we have been bad, small budget or bad injuries but this time it has been purely down to incompetence which makes it all the more frustrating. It feels like when Stainrod had an idea to sign a load of junior players like Tam Woods and Cameron Connie and almost took us to the bottom tier.
  15. You hire a manager you have to trust them to do their job. Hopkin at Arbroath was a sign he wasn’t the right man. He said it wasn’t his team and there were no winners. His signings over the summer were reported as positive because Morton hardly conceded a goal. Adeloye looked ok. But Hopkin ran out of time to get bodies in. Going on holiday twice didn’t help I’m sure. There were plenty of warning signs but until the season started, it was all anyones guess. Once it was obvious he wasn’t up to it, there isn’t much you could blame Smith for. Trying to keep him And appointing Duffy…..aye, results and performances in the early days were good but none of the support were keen and he didn’t exactly seem keen. If Duffy survives beyond Monday morning then serious questions have to be asked. Every player should have been up for today, we should have been on the front foot and we could have conceded close to double figures.
  16. Mathies Christmas is fucked. Welcome to Ayr. Overtime looking for a manager and 8 players at least to be in place for the second
  17. Aye I won't argue you were absolutely terrible but Dunfermline weren't much better a few weeks ago and we scraped past them. We were very good today as well as Ayr being pish. Ayr have been poor a lot recently but we were really bad today. From The lineup being announced, most fans knew how today was panning out. the local journalist covering the game tweeted that Salkeld came close to a consolation goal, that was about the 55 minute mark. Everyone involved with Ayr knew we weren’t coming back in to it. That was one of the worst performances from any Ayr team I have seen today.
  18. The first goal was outstanding, McGinty leaves his man and leaps to win the ball unchallenged, which is a clear 2 feet over his head. His man placed the ball in the bottom corner. The second and third looked like Fjortoft was completely ball watching.
  19. I hope today gives you a false sense of security and you’ll be back to misery next week. if you think today was your team turning a corner then I suspect you are new to football.
  20. They shouldn’t have went in to the game thinking they would lose, they made daft mistakes and gifted 3 goals. QOTS were the better team because we were so utterly shite, if any player is looking at that result and saying, we just can’t compete with the quality of Innes Cameron then they shouldn’t be full time footballers. The fact it took 70 minutes for the first substitutions (which he must have drawn out a bag) when we were so over ran in midfield made QOTS look good.
  21. If Duffy or anyone else at the club is thinking tonight, HoHum, we were beaten by a better team and the fans are overreacting, then they need punted. Duffys comments, we were shite and I am angry that we were shite. He picks the team, we have 2 central midfielders and he only plays 1. Bradley, Moffat, Adeloye and O’Conner have worked best all season and he doesn’t start them, today he replaced them with each other. We have played best this season when we retain possession, we keep going back to treating the ball like a live grenade. he can be angry with himself if he likes, he picked this team and gets them to play this way.
  22. 3-0 down in a must win game, you have 1 player up front with any ability who is crying out for Moffat to play alongside him. He takes him off, leaves Salkeld on…. he takes O’Conner of and plays Chalmers on the left fucking wing. Quit Jim, just Quit
  23. “Jim, how do you sum that one up?” Meh, I get paid either way Callum, regardless of the score
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