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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. Just now, callum-ayr said:

    It’s not Morton we need to be worrying about with Dowds btw….

    I like Dowds and would love to keep him. But he doesn’t score a lot and I think a lot of the love for him is because he tries hard and is the only one scoring goals semi regularly. Also, the other players we have brought in haven’t been great. If he’d been at a club with another credible striking option, he’d probably have played a lot less. 
    If he can get more money to sign for another club, he would go with my best wishes but I wouldn’t be heartbroken.  I wouldn’t pay over the odds to keep him. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

    Feel like we are in a good place with Brown, he's done a decent job with a pretty hefty injury list.  I was looking at points gained Vs Bullen coming in.

    I think the circumstances are not too dissimilar, this squad is a little better than what Bullen was working with but the injury crisis probably evens it out enough.  

    First 9 games - Bullen 11 | Brown 15

    Game 15 - Bullen 15 | Brown TBC but at least 15

    Bullen then has an extra game Brown won't get and got to 18 points.  

    I'd be surprised if that 18 point haul isn't surpassed.  It was seen as very good and the club were shouting about ending on mid table form that off-season.  Currently we are top of the form table over 10 games (1 of those belongs to Davie White) and third over 5 games.  Again, this has all been with at least 4 starting first team players injured in almost every game.  

    I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of squad he puts together next season.  

    There has been a bit of a slow burn, a bit like when McCall took over. We didn’t have a traditional manager bounce where we went on a run of wins but there have been small improvements in different areas. 

    On the recruitment, the players brought in are no better than the ones that went out, McHugh isn’t the same type of player but we are a worse team with him in it than we were with Jack Young. All the players brought in will be forgotten in a few months time. Granted it was the Christmas window. 
    I’m not as hopeful on recruitment but possibly Brown will have more power to sway the direction of players in if he’s not happy.

    Players out, I can see almost all of the out of contract players leaving to allow him to rebuild and mitigate the players he’s stuck with. 
    I can see Dowds staying but we need someone to push him.

    Reading has been better this year and I’m not against him staying but we need either a left back who can also fit in at CH or sign another prospect released from a decent youth set up that can hopefully develop. 
    Murdoch deserves a chance to win a deal but like Musonda, he tends to miss a lot of football. 

    A big plus for next season would be not knowing your season is fucked by the end of August. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, F.T.O.F.1910 said:

    Again, it would be your consumer choice, if you felt let down, to take your business elsewhere. However, you would props have signed a contract with said company so would need to make sure that your cancellation of that product was within your right to cancellation....

    Have you signed such a contract with AUFC!? Nope, so they don't need to tell you a thing. 

    Don’t quote post me again.

    you’ve gone through the whole spectrum of rage on here today, mad accusations, making stuff up and the sure sign of someone who has lost the plot, the - don’t pay and watch the team then.

    moon howling stuff

  4. 6 minutes ago, ayrunitedfw said:

    I get the point your trying to make but football is a bit different. Providing it’s a football related injury it does tend to be normal practice to let the fans know what the injury is or at the very least an estimate return date, although in fairness McCall was always very guilty of undercooking the injuries and getting fans even more frustrated. 

    Given Willoughbys absence seems  to be non football related I can completely understand if there was privacy around that. 

    Considering his point is that it is illegal for the club to give injury updates…..in reply to a post about the club giving injury updates. Football isn’t that much different. 

    if you pay for a new window fitted and the company tell you on the day, we can’t come out today due to sickness, you will be given an approximate date of when they will be able to. What you can’t demand is to know if it’s a cold or a doze of the shits. 


  5. 2 minutes ago, F.T.O.F.1910 said:

    You seem to be gunning for a fight with anyone on here mucka. I'd normally say difference of opinion is perfectly fine and move on but I'm stating fact, not my opinion.

    Have you considered, the players may have choicen not to disclose medical conditions with the public, as is their right? And that the reason the club could not realise a statement is because none of the players had granted them permission to disclose medical information!? 

    I’ve came on here 3 times in 24 hours, accused of being drunk, someone said I called them out on something when I didn’t and you have gone in, full studs up on 3 posts. 
    I explained why you were wrong about what you think I meant in the first reply and now you are equating asking why Ben Dempsey has been out for a month with sexually harassing supermarket workers. 

    I think the fight here is in your head. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, F.T.O.F.1910 said:

    If your work are telling you anything of the sort, they are breaking the law.

    It's a business and if you don't like it then don't part with your cash for the product on offer, the same as we all do, with every other business. Imagine staunin at tesco, quizing them why your favourite checkout lassie isn't in today 🤷


    You have no right to know anything medical about anyone or for whatever reason they may be off work. 

    Fucking hell

  7. 24 minutes ago, F.T.O.F.1910 said:

    I have no idea why you feel so passionately about this, it's almost control freak level man. Your work or my work would not realise personal medical information.... I do not understand why you feel, you have the right to know who's in work and who's not and for what reason!?

    Fist of all, f**k up


    Second of all, I’m not asking for details of injuries or in Willoughbys case illness. I just want to know why they are no longer playing for the club, why they drop out of the team, never to be seen again. When we have a pointless  press conference before every game where the manager (sometimes) appears to tell us everyone is fit and available. 

    Ben Dempsey, Injured, hopefully back within a couple of weeks isn’t information that should be covered by the data protection act.

    If your work doesn’t tell you if a coworker is off sick or how long they are off for, that is weird. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, ryanayr1987 said:


    Why could this not have been the case all season? 
    Dempsey could be out for another 3 weeks so it’s not giving the opposition an “unfair advantage” but Al least the support know that A. He is injured and B. It’s not serious. 

    The fact Reading has been out since before Christmas and we have only found out this week he is officially done for the season is a farce. 

    Hopefully they will just be as honest as they can be going forward. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    If Brown is looking at these fine margins and thinks that it’s paying off then fair enough. Anything that gives us an edge is good enough for me especially given our squad isn’t good enough to match most teams in this league. 

    The Queens Park game was possibly one of the most one sided league games ever to have graced Somerset. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, UpInTheAyr said:

    Just watched Brown's interview, his answer about Willoughby seemed a little off like he was uncomfortable answering it almost. Hope the guy doesn't have the clap or anything. 

    No mention of Dempsey or Chalmers f**k knows what's up with them. 

    Chalmers has bone bruising which is nasty, Can’t remember what Dempsey has but they are both expected back before the end of the season. There was an update by the VOR at the start of the week. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Thumper said:

    Ayr have an absolutely bizarre effect on signings. A huge number are either far worse or far better than they should be, and then that follows them on to other clubs afterwards. The only exception is managers, who for the last 30+ years have universally fallen off a cliff after leaving Ayr.

    The funny thing about Sanders is that Killies normally go to Ayr to rehabilitate themselves upon the eyes of God. Not guarantee that their next club is going to come with a furniture van or a fishing trawler on the side.

    Kilmarnock signed Willy Furphy and John Sludden who were both shite for them, they also signed Rambo McInally at the tail end of his career and he was crap.

    We had Gary Agnew, Craig Napier and Andy Millen. We also signed Ross Jack who scored nowt and Danny McKay. 

    Innes Cameron was up there with some of the worst loan signings we’ve had. His first touch was like a Jack Russell with a tennis ball. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

    One of my mates who is a Killie fan raved about Sanders. I am beginning to think he was taking the piss. 😂

    It may just be a bad move for him, it sometimes happens. But the way he is playing at Ayr. He’ll need to move to the Southern hemisphere to get a game and hope no one googles him. 

  13. Last night summed up Browns time at the club. First half, he did exactly the same as he did against Queens Park, we did exactly the same things. We had 10 men behind the ball at corners, meaning we were immediately under pressure.
    The midfield were spectators and we were flat and couldn’t make anything stick up front. 
    The goal was another masterclass from Sanders. Plays O’Conner onside, sells himself at the first challenge and then fails to block the shot. He has developed a round shouldered stoop over the last 6 weeks since joining Ayr like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

    As soon as we took the lead. It was like the whole club thought, wait a minute, we aren’t shite. We played with loads of confidence as didn’t look like we’d get beat from that moment. Considering the amount of changes we had to make during the game, the fact we never looked in danger was remarkable. 

    Raith losing today was a bad thing as I think if they had won, we’d probably have been a shoe-in for 3 points next week as it seems to be the way things are going there. 

    Matching or bettering Inverness’s results every week needs to be the priority now,.

    it’s looking like anyone from 8th to 4th could finish in the promotion play-off on the last day. 

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