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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I just passed my driving test at the first attempt.
  2. Yeah, he probably should have got a cap at some point. Especially when you consider that we weren't exactly blessed with talent in the goalkeeping department and were giving the likes of Paul Gallagher caps.
  3. My Nana bought me one of those two pint bottles of beer for my 28th birthday. It's still in the fridge awaiting a good home.
  4. Alan Main made the squad a few times but had the likes of Andy Goram, Jim Leighton, Neil Sullivan, Jon Gould, Craig Gordon, Rab Douglas ahead of him.
  5. It was a by-numbers loss at Ibrox which is pretty disappointing as we made it easy and didn't ask any questions of their defence or keeper (apart from a decent hit by Crawford).
  6. I've always thought Perth should have it's own national team.
  7. Agreed. In the past when we have played in such games, there seems to have been some people with the mentality that we should be delighted to just have got to the latter stages of a cup and that our players should just enjoy getting to play against one of the alleged "bigger teams". I don't buy the idea of there being "bigger" clubs that have some divine right to win trophies and such - there is only differences in resources and finances. Anything can happen in a game of football as we saw last night at Old Trafford, for example. Ayr United are in a cup quarter-final on merit and are currently top of the league. We are not a plucky wee team enjoying a moment in the spotlight - a shot at cup glory awaits if we win tonight.
  8. Both Ayrshire teams beating the Ugly Sisters in the same week would be pretty decent tbh. I was rooting for your team on Sunday. I always want whoever is playing the Ugly Sisters to win even if it is Killie.
  9. There's nothing to fear. If you go into these kind of games being frightened of getting a doing then a doing is what you'll get. I hope McCall is taking the mentality that it's a winnable match.
  10. It's a sad indictment on not only Scottish society, but the whole of Western society when people need to ask why you DON'T drink.
  11. I don't really go to pubs unless it's a special occasion like a friends birthday or something. Even then, I call it a night at soon as I sense the "Twilight Zone" descend and everyone starts talking drunken nonsense. If you remove alcohol from the occasion, pubs are very boring places and are often full of people who have nothing better to do with their time than sit in pubs all day. Most of my friends know and accept that I don't drink - it's mainly acquaintances and (surprisingly) some family members who can't seem to grasp that it's possible for someone to not like drinking alcohol.
  12. Yeah. Less hassle, no hangovers, no blackouts, I've lost weight... Only thing about it that is a pain in the arse is the people who get all offended if you aren't drinking.
  13. Can Brexit not be postponed indefinitely and be allowed to resurface in rumours from time to time, kind of like a political version of Guns N Roses' Chinese Democracy album?
  14. So basically you are saying "You aren't playing Real Madrid. You are playing Real Madrid." Make up your mind.
  15. Maybe I'm a rabid Yesser but the referendum coverage cemented him as someone I wouldn't tire of slapping.
  16. I didn't know we were playing Real Madrid.
  17. Who's the fat b*****d who reports on Scottish politics?
  18. Think it was about five minutes before the end or something Ah right, it was about 18 minutes before the end that I trudged frozen stiff down Somerset Road. A horrible day and an awful match.
  19. I would have left early if it hadn't been for the Scottish Constabulary locking us in the SRE. When did you try to leave? I got out fine.
  20. I thought we were magnificent until their second goal went in and from then on they ripped us a new arsehole which was difficult to watch. I left when their fourth went in which is only the second time I have ever left a game early.
  21. As much as I would love a win on Wednesday night, the cups are just a distraction tbh. Doing well in the league is much more important. There is alot more fight and desire in this Ayr United team than I can remember in previous seasons. If another doing happens then at least the club got a bit of money out of it.
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