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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. Biden to win both the popular vote and electoral college vote by a small margin. Trump to attempt to cling to power. Both candidates to be either dead or tucked up in a care home by 2024.
  2. Thanks guys. Yeah, my mum, my dad and I are to stay at home for two weeks. I currently live with my parents, so need to isolate as well. She has a cough and feels a bit chesty, but apart from that she says she's not feeling too bad. She got track and traced via the app earlier in the week and had to isolate for two weeks anyway, but she was confident that she didn't have Coronavirus until a couple of days ago when she started having a cough. I would be more concerned if my dad caught it, because he has a heart condition and is a bit older than my mum. Having to stay at home is a ball ache because I was meant to be returning to work within the next week or so. However, it needs to be done. Hopefully we'll all be well and come through this with no lasting effects.
  3. Sometimes when a football match is boring, I make up my own match.
  4. I don't particularly like Biden, and the Democrats are nearly as useless as British Labour, but the meltdown and epic tantrum Trump will throw upon a defeat will be fucking incredible. You know how it's customary for the losing candidate to concede the election? I don't see him doing that. He'll probably hide in the White House and lock the doors.
  5. Yeah, and all Trump had to offer regarding the COVID crisis was to brag about how good a job he had done and how he was now immune from the virus. He also tried to say that the Obama-Biden administration performed a lot worse with swine flu, although that particular disease was nowhere near as deadly as COVID has been. I don't think Biden is the best debater they could have picked. Someone like Sanders would have absolutely ripped Trump in these debates. However, Biden did well enough to come across better than Trump, which is probably what he and his team were hoping for. I really hope Biden wins the election. I admit I wasn't a fan of his, but he's gone up in my estimation slightly whereas Trump is an arse and always has been.
  6. Got Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4 for just under £18 on Steam. I had these games for console but hadn't played them for years. Great memories!
  7. I happened to be awake at 2AM so ended up watching it. Biden came across reasonably well (by his standard) and managed to avoid the verbal gaffes he's become known for.
  8. It's rumoured that there's going to be a disco in there after every home match.
  9. Weather wasn't even that bad. There was bit of rain, but that's all.
  10. Remember the time John Robertson did a rain dance to get a game at Somerset Park called off?
  11. Na, I think life experience is valued in many professions. I actually applied when I was much younger and was told to come back when I had more professional and life experience.
  12. My girlfriend likes that song, which is almost a dumping offence (but not quite).
  13. I am planning on studying Nursing at university next year. I will be 34 by the time I qualify.
  14. Stand corrected, no redeeming qualities then. Yeah, I don't remember a single redeeming quality about his tenure. It was absolutely garbage. He got a new deal after getting us relegated too, before subsequently being binned during the "cost cutting measures" that were implemented a couple of months into the 04/05 season in order to avoid administration. At least with Connor, Watt and Roberts you can say that they made signings (Ryan Stevenson, Alex Williams and Nicky Devlin) that would be good players in the years that followed. Unfortunately they signed some amount of shite as well.
  15. Is there anything that encapsulates everything that is wrong with modern football as much as this idea?
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