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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I'm currently listening to Spirit Of Eden. Cracking album.
  2. I attended an anti-discrimination event for students at Ayr College back in 2011. A young woman genuinely stated that it was "okay" to call black people the N-word "because they call themselves that".
  3. Finished The Spy Who Came In From The Cold and already have Call For The Dead and The Looking Glass War lined up for reading.
  4. Would you like to see Britannia rule again, my friend? All you have to do is follow the worms.
  5. Enjoying the new Dream Theater album Distance Over Time. Much better than their last one The Astonishing.
  6. Maybe he wants to manage a team that actually have potential to push on from where they currently are, and whose greatest achievement was only 2 and a half years ago and not 52 years ago. Also he probably wants to manage a team whose fans are not manchildren whose sole measurement of self-worth is the success of their club. You also vastly overestimate how big Celtic are. Literally nobody outside of Scotland bar ex-pats gives a f**k about Celtic or Rangers or Scottish football in general.
  7. Neil Lennon is actually the new Leicester City manager. He and Brendan are just trolling the media.
  8. I couldn't put Tinker Tailor down and read about 300 of it's 400-and-something pages in one sitting, but different strokes for different folks. As for Catch 22, I just couldn't get into it. I know people who love that book but it's not for me. IMO life is too short to spend your time reading books you don't enjoy.
  9. Finished Tinker Tailor. I might read The Spy Who Came In From The Cold next as that one seems highly regarded as well.
  10. I gave up on Catch 22 after about 100 pages and last night started reading Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre. I've rattled through it and am about three quarters of the way through. I'd never read any of his books before but heard that this was good. I am enjoying it and now will have to read the rest of the Karla trilogy and the rest of Le Carre's books.
  11. Steven Gerrard must be kicking himself for not waiting a wee while longer before moving into management.
  12. Jobless c***s with nothing better to do than hang about the stadium when it isn't matchday have their say.
  13. Same. Does it ever become anything more than a succession of "hilarious" dialogues?
  14. Was there not a new Thief game out a couple of years ago?
  15. I know. It looks like an experiment a ten year old who was shite at FM would do to convince themselves that they were good at the game.
  16. Make Scotland compete in the African Cup of Nations.
  17. I might move Ayr United to Malaysia.
  18. I have no idea how I managed to win that game with nine men.
  19. I'm afraid Gordon Brown will always be the most incompetent PM. Honestly, the current PM makes Brown's tenure and the Con-Lib coalition seem like some sort of golden age.
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