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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I'm not sure I understand the point of what you're doing.
  2. He goes through dry spells of not scoring for a couple of matches then he hits a scoring run and scores shitloads. Luckily when he's not scoring someone else always hits form. I'm signed him for a variety of other teams in different saves (Aston Villa and Sevco for example) and he's been top scorer each time.
  3. Tied him down with a longer contract on my Ayr save. Managed to get Shankland to stay as well.
  4. I tried to sign him for Man Utd for a laugh but he refused to enter talks because he "only wants to play for QOTS".
  5. He pulled of allegedly the greatest save of a World Cup, but in the end he couldn't save himself.
  6. It would be a laugh. Why are Cambridge in the Irn Bru cup?
  7. You should try playing some wacky formations.
  8. Medievil is currently in the process of getting the remake treatment and should be out this year. It was my favourite game when I was a child so I'm looking forward to it.
  9. The final words of John Sedgwick, general of the Union Army during the American Civil War, were "they couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
  10. You seem quite obsessed with posting in this thread. Are you sure you're not one of those Raith Rovers fans from last season?
  11. I blew a zombies head clean off with two headshots. I don't think he'll be getting back up.
  12. Headshots are definitely the way to go. The fact that bits fly off the zombies when you knife them is a nice touch.
  13. I found the safe room next to the stairs (and the window that a zombie breaks through) and saved my game then called it a night. I'm not the type to play games for hours at a time and am usually too busy to play games that long anyway, but I want to take my time and enjoy this game. I've been dodging a lot of the zombies and running from them, because I'm trying to save ammo for times when I actually need it i.e. if there's a lot of them and it isn't possible to run away. I didn't even shoot any on the way to the police station.
  14. A couple of crackers are at my work just now. A new "domestic assistant" started a couple of months ago, and he's one of those people who talk a power of shite and do anything apart from their actual job. Numerous complaints have been made already about him not cleaning rooms properly and leaving storerooms containing dangerous equipment and chemicals wide open. This guy went on a rant last week about the organisation employing two receptionists, saying that the organisation was "haemorrhaging money" by employing two receptionists. I almost replied that the company was haemorrhaging money by employing fuckwits like him. A "handyman" started around the same time, and highlights of his tenure so far include him sawing the bottom off a door (which was too tight and was scraping the floor when you opened or closed it) while it was still attached to the doorframe, locking numerous doors that require to be permanently open to allow access, and removing perfectly functioning locks from doors, tampering with them so that they don't work anymore then putting them back on only to have to repeat the process again. Oh, and he left a Stanley knife lying around in a locked ward containing Mental Health patients. He has also made numerous comments about wanting to "do" young Japanese women so is definitely OFTW.
  15. Started playing this earlier and so far I am very impressed with it. Great fun.
  16. I've seen footage of the Tyrant pursuing Leon in the RE2 remake and it looks tense as hell. Imagine how scary getting chased by the Nemesis would be.
  17. Does your fear not grow when you see that you're all mine?
  18. Just you wait until Tony Blair gets dragged to The Hague. Or maybe not.
  19. It's rumoured that Resident Evil Nemesis is getting the remake treatment in the future as well.
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