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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. It would be quite fun to set up a machine gun nest inside a shop entrance and mow down all the Black Friday c***s.
  2. Ordered already, mainly for the pre-sale tbh.
  3. Sounds like you have the right attitude and have good positive things in your life to occupy yourself. It's great that you are keeping yourself occupied. Grieving is important but it should never occur at the expense of other aspects of life. I have seen people who had their whole lives consumed by grief years after their loss because they did not allow themselves to grieve properly at the time, it's not a very nice thing to see. Losing people we love is never easy, but you will get through it when you're ready. Just take your time and go through at your own pace.
  4. As bobbykdy said it's completely understandable and a normal reaction for such dreams to upset you. Grieving is a process and it takes time, you'll have days were you are fine and days were seemingly minor things make you upset. The important thing is not to consider breaking down and crying as a negative thing, because it's part of the process. If you need to cry or take some time to be alone then do that. Take care, and if you ever want to talk about anything then feel free to message.
  5. Just for comparisons sake, I picked up another friend on Monday and we just went a drive and talked nonsense. I had not seen him for about three months prior to this (not for any particular reason, we were both just busy) and there was no mention of the fact that we hadn't seen each other for such a time. Why is this? Normal functioning adults are capable of not seeing each other for a long time and then meeting again and getting on as if there was never any absence. Narcissists are parasitic and constantly need people to feed off of.
  6. I recently found myself having to distance myself from a now former friend (who happens to have some sort of narcissistic personality disorder) because she was just too difficult to be around and I no longer enjoyed her company. She repeatedly sent me abusive text messages calling me a bad friend so I did not speak to her for about three weeks and yesterday I recieved further abuse for "doing nothing to save our friendship". What?! Isn't the whole idea behind friendship that it is a two way thing? I'm not one to abandon people who are in need but I don't think there's anything I can do apart from severing all ties with her. I don't believe that she even wants to help herself. She is trapped in the cycle of treating people badly and then wondering why they don't want to spend time with her.
  7. For a while he was Scotland's best goalkeeper and was well regarded down south despite playing in a struggling team. I genuinely thought that the likes of Arsenal (who were struggling in the goalkeeper department at this point) should have signed him. At one point both Arsenal and Spurs were interested in signing him.
  8. I once managed to tear one of the muscles in my chest. You don't realise how much you use the muscles in your chest for until you tear one of them and every single movement makes you feel like you're going to die.
  9. The time he came on as a sub to a chorus of boos and shouts of "dirty Killie b*****d" shortly after joining when we were 0-2 down to Airdrie and then quickly scored a double to tie the game up.
  10. Roberts was one of my favourite players and a good guy but his tenure as manager was one of the worst I can remember - and I've been around during the reigns of Shanks, the two Rabs, Campbell Money and Neil Watt. Oh, what a depressing list of names that is. Good luck Shiny Teeth and QP.
  11. Richey Edwards

    FIFA 19

    It probably isn't even his money as well.
  12. Richey Edwards

    FIFA 19

    If you spend £150 real money on in-game purchases then you deserve what you get IMO.
  13. The days of people mocking us for knocking him back are gone. I wonder why?
  14. Aye, he said words to the effect of "I, Ian McCall, wholeheartedly reject Patrick Thistle's advances."
  15. There's a lad at my work who does this, he loves himself though and uses that bleaching stuff for his teeth. He also played for Rangers (RIP).
  16. Is she an amputee? Because that's the only reason why changing the water bottle would take more than one person.
  17. Richey Edwards

    FIFA 19

    I bought this yesterday not expecting much and I am actually really enjoying it.
  18. I just passed my driving test at the first attempt.
  19. Yeah, he probably should have got a cap at some point. Especially when you consider that we weren't exactly blessed with talent in the goalkeeping department and were giving the likes of Paul Gallagher caps.
  20. My Nana bought me one of those two pint bottles of beer for my 28th birthday. It's still in the fridge awaiting a good home.
  21. Alan Main made the squad a few times but had the likes of Andy Goram, Jim Leighton, Neil Sullivan, Jon Gould, Craig Gordon, Rab Douglas ahead of him.
  22. It was a by-numbers loss at Ibrox which is pretty disappointing as we made it easy and didn't ask any questions of their defence or keeper (apart from a decent hit by Crawford).
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