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  1. Looks like there’s going to be a very hungover zebra this morning.
  2. Seems like a very decent bit of business by the club. Feeling optimistic for the season ahead!!
  3. I’m pretty sure they have an option to recall in January but not before.
  4. Fantastic first half performance in particular, we were attacking with a purpose & pace which was lacking big time last season. All the new signings look good, glad we were patient & brought in the right players. Buzzing for the next game & the season ahead. COYS [emoji835]️[emoji836]️
  5. If we could try & keep all the bullshit chat for the black & white army forum that would be great. That forum is well & truly ruined let’s not ruin this too.
  6. Yeah, to an extent things will stall. I personally don’t think it’s right for anyone other than the manager to decide on who signs. You’re right though, effectively he is an chief scout but at least the process of identifying players doesn’t stop & it’s for the new manager to decide from the ones shortlisted.
  7. I think Gus was appointed so that things don’t stand still if there’s a bit of turmoil going on, which has been happening more often than not the last few seasons. He is busy identifying players & then puts them to the manager who has the final say. IMO, it would be daft to sign players without consulting with the new manager, which is why I think we’re slightly behind with recruitment.
  8. Absolutely, but we had the unwanted uncertainty of Oran’s future to deal with. Gus & co identity the players which suit the profile then as mentioned in GS interview yesterday, They knew for a while that it looked possible that OK was leaving hence the fast appointment of Goodwin. Leaving the final decision to Jim on the players who meet our profile. I’m pretty sure a lot of work has been done with regards to recruiting players & I think it makes sense to make sure Goodwin likes them before offering them contracts.
  9. Absolutely no need to panick, granted the majority of trialists last night didn’t look good enough but at least they’re not our players. Last season Stubbs filled the squad with guys of that standard. We’ve had a look at them, they’re not up to it so will hopefully be told to look elsewhere. I did think Djorkaeff & the number 22 looked decent. We’re a bit behind with recruitment at this stage but I’d rather wait for the right players instead of getting bodies in for the sake of it.
  10. This just proves that you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about here. Utter ballocks.
  11. Yes, £1 million. Not laughable at all with the current transfer market valuations. Out of interest, how many times have you seen him play? On your last point... aye, nae bother [emoji1303]
  12. On the Stevie May chat, he will definitely not sign for us. He is a good player though & I think whoever signs him will be getting a good striker who just needs a couple of early goals & it could be a great bit of business for them.
  13. Absolutely delighted with the appointment of Goodwin. Everything about it fits & it just seems the right move at the right time. When he was rumoured to be going to Dundee, I did feel a bit gutted as I believe he’ll be a huge influence around our club & if he had went to Dens & did a good job he may of got a bigger move & the chance to get him in would be gone. It’s not though, he’s here & I’m really looking forward to the season ahead. Jim Goodwin’s black & white army [emoji835]️[emoji836]️
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