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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Accies could’ve been 4 or 5 up in that first half alone. An absolute sin we’ve only scored one in the 2nd with all that pressure. Duffy was rightly hooked, Longstaff is an utter fraud of a footballer and Anderson must have compromising photos of the gaffer. Samuel’s starting to remind me of George Oakley in that all he wants to do is wrestle centre halves then cry to the ref when it gets dished out to him. Pepple and Lawal need to start the second leg, the latter is so positive and can take the ball on the turn with ease. Macgregor looked far better than Longstaff when he came on but his face doesn’t fit so fat chance of him getting a start. Ridgers has been steady for years but he’s had a mare for both of those goals IMO. Wonder if Ferguson’s still in charge next season if he’ll still be our number 1 Can’t see us coming back at home but who knows
  2. Not sure bottom of the league and 1 point after 6 games is quite in the realms of a “decent” position but he’s been rank rotten regardless
  3. Gilmour starting in his second game back after 3 months out, did we learn absolutely f**k all from Nathan Shaw?
  4. On the subject of stealing pint glasses, managed to nick this a few weeks back. Not T but a fine addition to the collection nonetheless
  5. Quite possibly one of the worst games I’ve ever been to, I’m sure we re-signed Billy on loan that day and I had my hopes up only to get turned over by Accies.
  6. In times like this when you need some stability and shree points there’s only one man for the joab:
  7. Watched the show today and onto her interview now. As has been said, Netflix will have done their due diligence and had proof of the messages, emails, voicemails before the show even started filming. Everyone’s met one of those old boys in the pub that’s an utter fantasist and she comes across very much the same way in her interview
  8. I would like to be the first to congratulate Hamilton on their forthcoming promotion back to the Cinch Championship
  9. Mental that when Harper and Roddy signed their 3 year deals I thought Roddy would be the better out the two of them and earn us some money.
  10. When Anderson had Charlie Gilmour sitting next to him earlier in the season he looked decent and I thought he looked a good prospect. More recently, he’s looked off the boil and nowhere near as good. Definitely more of a ball winning or box to box midfielder rather than type to ping cross field balls etc. Cammy Kerrs been as lot of the Dundee fans described, what he lacks in technique and ability he more than makes up for in effort I haven’t been to a lot of games the second half of the season so some of the other lads will be able to offer a more accurate view
  11. It’s a bit like like locking eh stabledoor efter the horse has boltit like eh
  12. Feeling like I need to change my username now to distance myself from all this
  13. We’re all home based so no offices to speak of unfortunately
  14. In that case he could have said nothing at all rather than pretending it was good
  15. I’m sure Muirfield Golf Club only voted recently to let women become members after they initially voted not to and the R&A said they wouldn’t hold the Open there unless their stance changed.
  16. He’ll be tin tacked before any return to work interviews can happen
  17. Guy from my work went AWOL 2 weeks ago and hasn’t responded to any messages/calls in that time. Turns out he’s been sentenced to 15 months in jail Nae idea what he’s done but it’s shocked everyone
  18. Sorry for your loss mate. When my gran died my mum had to take a fair bit of time off as all her affairs to be sorted out were in Caithness and my mums office was in Edinburgh. Her manager was a grade A arsehole and tried taking her time off out of annual leave. She ended going on sick for twice the amount of time she’d have actually needed, her manager got a severe talking to and all her AL got reinstated. If you get paid sick leave I’d get a line fired in and take as much time as you need
  19. Unfortunately my motor vehicle is requiring a stay at the car hospital and I can’t make this game tonight. Safe travels to all making the trip Cammy Kerr to put Michael Gardyne 6 foot in the air would be pleasing
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