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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Just been red dotted on this post from February last year @Smiddy Fae Glengarnock seems to be red dotting any post with mention of the word “Gammon”
  2. Definitely not, screaming abuse at Gardyne will be fun though They do have cracking pies at Gayfield though
  3. Might be talking out my arse but wasn’t one of our relegations from the top league the highest ever points total for a relegated side (or one of the highest points total)
  4. I have a limited knowledge of Morton’s squad but is that 2 centre halves, Oakley and the rest midfielders?
  5. We do not, however there’s sometimes a stream that pops up on some completely legal streaming websites. It’s a shitty AI controlled stream and doesn’t have replays or commentary but better than nothing
  6. Dougie Imrie made a mess of his chinos thinking of all the new ones he could buy on 2k a week
  7. Definitely, was double and triple checking my footing on the way down
  8. Slow (or easy) runs are what I struggled with to begin with too. Once you get the rhythm it’s a piece of piss My Openruns have been superb, I’m a sweaty betty when doing any form of exercise and they’ve stood up well whereas other cheap headphones I’ve had have ended up gubbed
  9. We were staying in Arrochar at the weekend for my dads 60th and 4 of us went up the Cobbler. I’d already done Narnain and Ime so nice to check off the last hill in that wee area. I did thread the needle at the top but was utterly shiting myself On the way back on the path we passed two lassies who genuinely wouldn’t have looked out of place in a nightclub. Wanted to tell them to head back the way they came but didn’t want to get abuse.
  10. I’ve had mine for a few months now and love them. Think that they don’t go into your ear helps massively with the comfort aspect.
  11. I’m sure that was the rumour at the time one of the board were paying his salary. Wonder who that board members big team are?
  12. Play like we did for the first 70 minutes against the Netherlands, against Germany. Hungary and Switzerland are good sides but I’d like to think we could beat at least one of them. As the last time we won a game at a tournament was before I was born. Just don’t be embarrassing, I.E the Germans hump us by a cricket score and then Hungary batter us
  13. Had to deal with this bawbag again this afternoon. Let’s just say his verbal communication skills are on a par with his written ones.
  14. I look far more like my dad than anyone ever realised I thought I looked more like my mums side of the family but my sister sent me a photo of my dad when he was my age and we’re almost identical
  15. Anyone who puts their handbrake on at traffic lights is OFTW
  16. I’ve got a Galvin Green golf jacket my dad bought me for getting handicap down below 12 when I was 15 ish, still in the cupboard and not been worn for 3/4 years at least but it cost £180 at the time so it’s not getting chucked out. I’ve still got some old Caley tops, think the earliest (going by the sponsors) is a white away one with OneTouch on the front. Was my dads when he was massive so it’s like a tent on me.
  17. Key takeaways: - Hearts shat the bed anytime they got within 20 yards of the goal - Fabio Silva isn’t very good at football - Cantwell is still a wee p***k - The final will be a fun filled family affair! Premier Sports/Viaplay will be creaming their pants
  18. Barrie Mckay beat the first man with a corner challenge (impossible)
  19. Could the commentators apologise please for that lovely song being fed into my living room
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