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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Just booked a few days in Berlin for the end of August, sick of folk giving vague “let me ask the burd” “I’ll let you know” answers when I ask about going away so bit the bullet and going on my own. First time going abroad on my tod and very much looking forward to it!
  2. I am emptying my bank account and putting it all on Cillian Sheridan scoring
  3. Was there a bit of needle between Duffy and an Arbroath player? Looks like he’s trying to get in someone’s face after he scores From that angle I think the Arbroath keeper can do better with Samuel’s goal
  4. Ran my fastest 5k since 2021 this morning at Parkrun, even managed to keep all 5 km splits under 5min/km
  5. We have little to no chance against a league 1 side with their tails up and added into that, we were Hamilton’s bitches last season and they were utterly shite
  6. Well done that man! I’m 27 if that makes it any better, genuinely never heard of any of the above 3
  7. Mad that just 2 seasons ago we were fighting it out in the promotion playoffs and now Arbroath are all but relegated and we’ll no doubt be joining them. Funny old game eh
  8. Many thanks to all who submitted a list. Kept it to a top 10 due to the number of votes. The top 10 Scottish Sportsmen* according to P&B is as follows: * including women First to guess the 3 on the list I had never heard of before doing this gets a greenie
  9. I’m extremely wealthy and will contribute, when and only when that fucknugget of a CEO is gone
  10. Will count all the votes tomorrow and post the results if anyone still wants to vote before then
  11. Just finished listening to this, really enjoyed hearing from the Supporters trust and looking forward to hearing what the announcement is. My bets are on some sort of way to contribute to the club (like the thing Morton have)
  12. With how we’re doing just now if we were playing in my back garden I’d shut the curtains, never mind paying a 5er to watch
  13. Heard Roddy Macgregor sneezed at the weekend and put his back out. He’ll be back training in 2/3 weeks
  14. Another jobs for the boys appointment inbound
  15. Are you going all out when running your sub 26 min 5k? If so, I’d try and slow down and go at an easy pace on a few runs. That should help build up your fitness for the harder attempts. For example, my 5k pace just now is probably 4:45/km ish but an easy run is 6:10-6:30/km and my heart rates in the 130s doing this.
  16. I’m a man of my word, chucked a few quid in the pot Now…run like f**k
  17. Aye he’s looked pretty poor anytime I’ve seen him but he offers something different to Mckay, Pepple, Samuel. When you’ve got players tweeting stuff like that with 5 games to go in the season, it only adds to the rumours of the dressing room being lost
  18. We’re 4 points off 8th with 5 games to go, not won since end of January but hell lads…the stats will back up we were the better team today His appointment did look good for a while but the persistence of the back 5, the utter tripe football being served up, letting Welsh and Carson go and other baffling decisions have got me firmly in the ‘get this idiot out’ camp
  19. Folk on Twitter saying Ferguson was shouting at the fans after the game? Any truth in that?
  20. @Alert Mongoose I bought a ticket for this service back in August, will my purchase be valid for our journey to League 1 in May?
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