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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. We’ll have another couple good chances without taking them before the Netherlands score between the 65-70th minute Bookmark it
  2. Seeing it back I think I have to agree with everyone saying he can do better. Doesn’t seem to jump more just falls
  3. Tierney should be off for not singing the anthem IMO
  4. Has Robertson got some lead in his boots? That’s a couple he’s overhit
  5. I reckon this kit doesn’t look anywhere near as bad if the yellow bits aren’t as big and if they were actually white
  6. Ffs I thought it was on the beeb too, means I need to go get the laptop out
  7. Van Dijk got ragdolled by Eddie Ofere and Marley Watkins, Shankland will have him on toast
  8. Will head to the Inheritance thread and get my affairs in order first
  9. I had diarrhoea Sunday - Wednesday this week after drinking copious amounts of lager last weekend. Not had any since Wednesday but my rear end is still sore however. Is this the beginning of the end?
  10. Just remembered, I’ve got a great aunt who’s minted and dished out 5k each to my sister and I when we bought our first houses. She’s been collecting 3 pensions longer than I’ve been alive, has a cracking flat in Edinburgh and has “investments” as she puts it. She never married and has no kids so my mum and her cousins are (I’m assuming) are in line for a bung. Unless she’s done the funniest thing possible and left it all to her local church.
  11. After hearing your voice in the voice notes thread a while back I’d subscribe just to hear you read out famous posts from the forum tbh
  12. @Arab_R_us Love CBC x Not much into wrestling, have a scraggly excuse for a beard and have a 2:1 from one of Scotlands finest universities
  13. As incredibly wealthy as I am, I’m not paying £25 to watch us get dicked by these Tangerine ruffians
  14. Trailer for the Acolyte released yesterday, think it’s set 100 years before the Phantom Menace. Hopefully should be good
  15. I liked Open Goal back when Si Ferry done his interviews with random figures in Scottish football, his interviews with Jim Jeffries, Billy Brown and Yogi were really good to name a few. Since they’ve moved to just interviewing managers of the month I’m not interested, didn’t really want to listen to him and “Slaney” stroke themselves silly while big Ange called them mate. Their weekly round up is absolutely shite and their knowledge of the league outside the OF is dire. Only ever really watched the Terrace tv show, never listened to their podcasts. The TV shows good though, would prefer if it was on directly after the Friday night championship games rather than after Still Game.
  16. Isn’t there a mad statistic that x amount of the 30 quickest 100m times ever were ran by Usain Bolt and the others were all run by guys who’ve now been done for doping?
  17. Think I got about £1500 when my gran popped it, I remember cutting down my hours at work to focus on my dissertation so that was put to good use. I turned 17 a month before my other gran died and her car got passed on to me, beautiful little Peugeot 107 GBNF
  18. Hamburg Airport security was a riot on Sunday night. The majority of our group had their boarding passes and headed straight through, 3 of us had to wait for ours from the chief organiser (the stags dad). We got shown to the left, through security in 10-15 minutes ish. All the other lads that had went through 20 minutes before us got shown to the right and didn’t get through til well after us Anyways, the Volksparkstadion is pretty cool and was a good atmosphere for a run of the mill league game. It’s everything I’d love Hampden to be. We were debating afterwards where we thought Hamburg would sit in the Scottish Premiership. I reckoned maybe in between the gap from Hearts to the OF. Quite an interesting place Hamburg, we got a tour and the guide said the girls in the window on the Herbertstraße have water guns filled with piss to fire at women. We thought he was taking the mick, then seen the water guns leaning against the windows We were drinking in the Academy just off the Reeperbahn on Saturday night, lively pub with good music. Few of us befriended some Germans and they took us to another pub which I’ll be fucked if I can remember the name of but we didn’t leave there til 5 in the morning. Also for anyone going in future, please visit the U-boat museum and tell me if I missed out. I walked past it on Saturday morning and didn’t have time to go in for a look
  19. Seen that last night and can’t understand it, complain to the Royal Mail aye, or even have a quiet word with the postie. Don’t run off to the papers and especially the Sun. Made sure he got the “Senior Analyst” in his wee article too p***k
  20. Where’s the compo face in this? All I see is a floating measuring tape
  21. Hearing something bad has happened to someone you don’t like
  22. Folk just need to look at falkirk, they’ve been jobbing it around down there for 5 or 6 seasons and are most likely only coming back up now Its all well and good thinking we’d do a Dunfermline and steamroll the league and come straight back up but we’re more likely to be worse than Falkirk with the state we’re in just now
  23. Mentioned earlier in the thread but sledging for the kids is a legitimate reason to oppose the battery farm ffs
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