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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. It’ll be SNP for me until we get independence or someone better comes along that I think it can do it better/quicker
  2. 3rd level IT support roles require it can only be washed twice a year
  3. I felt it was giving off mixed signals as I was calling him a useless c**t in the Caley thread whilst he was my profile pic
  4. Comparison site is showing the lowest is £378 for the year, trying to check how much my car insurance provider will be but they’re saying I don’t have an account I’ll get there! Still a sickener it’s increased by so much though!
  5. I know car insurance has flew up but has anyone else’s home insurance went up dramatically? I paid £212 last year to they’re wanting £496 off me to renew
  6. Said this before but it’s bloody annoying they do the youth squad announcements in alphabetical order and not by positions
  7. Sakes, boy delivering my food chapped the door and I’ve missed the goal
  8. I’m on Virgin Media and don’t pay for TNT, they’re showing it for free. Channel 524, think uefa sometimes do a YouTube stream too
  9. Watching this on TNT for free but the channels got no sound, anyone else got the same?
  10. If only we’d signed Kyle Lafferty last summer we’d not be in this mess
  11. Cheers lads! Thought it would be something like that
  12. What’s the script with if someone gets injured whilst at the tournament? Is there a cut off that a replacement can be drafted in?
  13. We’ve technically got 7 centre halves in that squad, I'd imagine one of them might drop out? 7 players competing for 3 positions could be overkill. One of the keepers (Kelly) and one of the centre halves to drop out I think. Reckon Doak and Forrest are guaranteed going to give us something different. Liking the inclusion of McCrorie, think he’s a better option than Ralston
  14. Boyd is the worst for me purely because he got a lot of minutes in his preferred positions and was still utter shite. You could argue Longstaff’s been shite but has been played out of position. Ram only got minutes because of the injury crisis and got bombed out as soon as others came back. Ill be honest as well, forgot Lodovica existed
  15. Buzzing to hear Fergusons excuses every second week being “plastic pitch, no what we want to play on etc”
  16. That’s the type of statement I’d have expected on Saturday night or Sunday morning. Not 3 days later
  17. It was (deliberately) vague when we signed him but I’ve seen on Twitter it was an initial six months with clauses to extend it further
  18. Pretty good first time round, anonymous the second time due to injuries. Absolutely fantastic head of hair and seems like a decent bloke fwiw. Would be slightly worried since he hasn’t played in 2 years if I’m honest and didn’t have the best of luck with injuries before that either
  19. Does Ridgers Mrs still work at the club? He’s been a good keeper at this level he has his wobbly moments but so does any keeper who plays at Championship level for any real time. Just unfortunate his last 2 games for us were 2 of his worst
  20. Also just remembered Gardiner phoning up Sportsound to complain to Bobby Madden about us not getting a penalty the night before. Nearly 2 days have passed and not a peep out the club, a shower of absolute weasels in charge and only want to be seen when it suits them
  21. No sure if it’s a big thing with other fanbases but so many of our fans have a ridiculous hard on for bringing back ex players and managers
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