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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Really surprised Michael Stewart didn’t make the list, needs to up his game IMO
  2. Eni Aluko now seems to be suing Joey, never had much dealings with solicitors. Is it normal for them to message someone on Instagram?
  3. Fairly comprehensive highlights for anyone that missed the game Miles better than anything we put together
  4. Aye seems strange as I thought Ujdur looked good in the early games of Dunc coming in. These PL under 23 squads will be full of guys like that, picking 2/3 grand a week to play glorified youth football at 21/22. Wouldn’t have complained if I was offered it though
  5. It’s early days yet but JCM looked good and Savage looked a bit more nervy. I reckon a combination of JCM Devine/Carragher Boyes is probably our best. Still early days though and the young lads can improve/fall off. I did overhear someone at the game saying “Dunc hates Ujdur and doesn’t like Duffy”. Take that with a pinch of salt but might be some truth considering we’ve signed 3 cb’s and a right back this window. Find it mad that Savage is 22 and only just making his pro debut when we’ve got guys like Cammy Harper the same age and he’s played over 100 games for us
  6. Superb performance, having Samuel as the target man and give defenders a tough time allows Mckay to come deeper and link up. Think Shaw looked much better and hit a beautiful pass for Samuel’s first goal (I think). Was hard to see from our end but our 2nd looked like Dabrowski had a mare but the highlights will clear that up. Cammy Kerr is as described by the Dundee fans 110% effort. JCM and Savage both looked solid, Savage maybe looked the nervier of the two. Can see why we’ve signed so many centre backs with all 3 that started coming off. Gilmour and Anderson both looked good in the middle and Carson looked decent when he came on. What a difference it is having folk who can come off the bench and make an impact.
  7. Taxi drivers, not only do they charge an arm and a leg but they feel they have free rein to block roads whenever they see fit. Utter c***s
  8. Exactly my thoughts, not sure what Boyes has done to deserve being dropped. Maybe just needs a rest?
  9. I reckon we might see Cammy Kerr start and another one of new loanees come into the defence. Carson up into midfield with Anderson and Gilmour with Shaw/Samuel supporting Billy up top. If Raith beat us again I’ll resign myself to the fact the hoodoo is reversed and we’ll be Raiths bitches for the next 20 odd years
  10. I take it saying “sorry I’ve got enough on my plate at the minute” would’ve been a no-go?
  11. I think we already have something like that in the tunnel maybe, could be wrong though
  12. From the Arbroath website, stuff like this getting fans involved would be a great idea, obviously can change the thresholds depending on how many folk they think would sign up.
  13. Think it’s a class idea tbh. If you had 20 folk paying 50 a month, there’s 1k to give a bit more to any players who we might want to keep. Reckon you’d have a load of folk happy to pay £20-50 a month depending on their circumstances. They could enter everyone that pays in into a draw each month to win a signed shirt, a voucher for the club shop, free tickets etc. But f**k all that nonsense, battery farms are the way to go amirite fellas?
  14. We’ve got about 6/7 options that can play centre back now, for only 3 spots it might be overkill. I’m happy enough if he’s not wanted back down the road He’s been pretty good, slotted in the left hand side of a back 3 nicely. Been good anytime I’ve seen him but admittedly I’ve only been to a few games. A few sites online have his deal up at the end of this season, not sure how accurate that is though
  15. Lassie I used to work with stole £21k over a year and got 9 months That auld dears got 200 hours cs for stealing 40k, works out at £200 an hour no bad for some
  16. Any chat on if you boys are wanting Boyes back? We’ve signed another 2 centre halves today so getting a bit worried he’ll be away down the road
  17. The “final signing of today” line means there’s more to come surely What a day
  18. Absolutely buzzing to hear how Chilokoa-Mullen gets pronounced on Sportsound
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