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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Good point, be interesting to see what the preferred 3 is going forward with Carragher coming in too. Boyes is the best CB we’ve got imo You could swap Roddy in for one of the midfield 3 too if he can stay fit
  2. I initially replied no but thinking about it, having tinder pics of me holding a machine gun would be pretty sick. So for that reason I’m in.
  3. Ridgers Kerr Carragher Ujdur Boyes Harper Gilmour Carson Anderson Shaw/Samuel Mckay Big Dunc is cooking
  4. Goalkeepers Mark Ridgers Cammy Mackay Defence Cameron Harper Lewis Nicholson Wallace Duffy Danny Devine Jake Davidson Morgan Boyes (loan) Nikola Ujdur James Carragher (loan) Cammy Kerr (loan) Remi Savage Jeremiah Chilikoa-Mullen (loan) Midfield David Carson Roddy Macgregor Aaron Doran Charlie Gilmour Robbie Thompson Max Anderson (loan) Nathan Shaw Luis Longstaff Forwards Austin Samuels (long term injured) Billy Mckay Harry Lodovica (long term injured) Adam Brooks Alex Samuel (loan) Updated as Welsh, Delaney, Wotherspoon, Sheridan, Hennem and Hyde have all left. Carragher and Samuel have come in.
  5. Ffs slight difference was their youth system produced 4 England regulars and Ryan Giggs. He’d have been an idiot not to play them
  6. Good move for the lad, shows that he’s rated since he’s been sent to Elgin rather than Clach/Brora etc With any luck the constant moaning that we’re not playing a 17 year old whilst in the middle of a relegation battle should stop too
  7. 15st on the dot this morning, ran 104km so far in January and hit at least 8k steps every day. Not had a drink yet this year either so that’s probably helping too.
  8. My mates just text saying it’s the paper and cardboard bin day tomorrow for his street. An alarming amount of his neighbours have put their bins out tonight and the street is already covered with the contents of said bins
  9. Hit the moon button top right hand corner and should be back to normal
  10. He is really thin on top tbf
  11. Scot Gardiner, absolute fud of a man. The Dundee boys all despise him too Desperate for us to get rid of him, he embarrasses the club on a regular basis
  12. Spent all his dosh on the CP jumper instead of a comb
  13. Glad I’m not the only one, I thought the same until I seen a clip of the AFCON and the commentator pronounced it “mo-ruh-tay-nee-uh”.
  14. 1. Scot Gardiner 2. Billy Dodds 3. Derek Adams 4. Hugh Keevins 5. Si Ferry 6. Marvin Bartley 7. Paul Slane 8. Allan Preston 9. Kenny Mcintyre 10. Kyogo
  15. I only learned today that Mauritania is pronounced the way it is. I will not be revealing the way I thought it was pronounced
  16. For how expensive carpet is, I was very surprised how cheap it is for the actual fitting. Think I was about £60 for the spare room which I was pleasantly surprised by
  17. We’ve got plenty, as long as he gives them back and doesn’t give any to Jane Park it’ll be fine
  18. I’m sure Robbo said in the past he wasn’t a fan of using loans as we had to typically pay a higher percentage of wages if the loanee didn’t play. So I’d imagine Kerrs coming in to be first choice right back. Gilmour, Carson and Anderson with Macgregor and Thompson in reserve isn’t too bad, maybe another midfielder for cover would be nice as I’d bet my mortgage on Roddy picking up another injury.
  19. Have 0 idea what the standard is like over there compared to Scottish Championship
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