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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Airdrie is all that stands between us and real Scottish football tinpottery
  2. On your first paragraph, I don’t know if you listen to the excellent Wyness Shuffle (I think @RiG has/had some involvement) but on their pre-Christmas pod Dodds said he had the final say on all transfers and I think his words were “ the wee man (Robbo) did bring me a couple”. Referring to Robbo as “wee man” makes me think there’s truth to the rumours they didn’t get on but that’s another story. I do think Dodds had the majority of the say over transfers if I’m honest going by his comments, but the secrecy from the club over Robbo’s actual role and what he was upto, only folk ITK will know the truth.
  3. On your last point, the difference is that this was Dodds 3rd season in charge so that’s 3 pre seasons, 3 summer windows and 2 January windows he had and our squad was significantly worse and there still wasn’t a really a style of play. Whether that’s down to budgets or him not being able to spot a player, we’ll never really know. Dunc’s not had a pre-season and he’s only had a January window which isn’t really the ideal time to be looking for players, unless you’re splashing the cash of course. If in a years time we’re putting in similarly shite performances I can bet most of us on here will be as negative about Dunc as we were Dodds.
  4. This was particularly annoying under Dodds when we had Samuels playing as a winger, I’m sure there’s other examples too
  5. I feel dirty saying this but… Hope Falkirk win this
  6. To preface this I’ve been to about 6/7 games since Dunc came in. For me (and anyone can feel free to disagree) is there’s a clear(er) style of play under Ferguson. It’s very much neat passing and if there’s no opening go back the way and start again. When it works, it’s brilliant. Last week against Raith we opened them up a fair few times (they were playing some mad 3-6-1 formation tbf). However, against Airdrie on the 2nd Jan we looked utterly hopeless and had one shot I think. There were times against Airdrie, Harper picked up the ball with space to run but he was only 5-10 yards outside our own box so in effect he has to run 70-80 yards to put a cross in. Which is probably a draw back of playing 5 at the back in that the left and right wing backs are expected to provide the attacking width but also defend. The 5 at the back probably is hindering us in some games. I think Dunc introduced it so stop shipping goals and make us more solid but if a teams playing 1 upfront do we really need 3 centre backs? The fact we’ve signed no wingers in the window says to me this formation is the one we’ll be playing til the end of the season. Some of the games remind me of Yogi’s first half season if I’m honest. I remember a game at Partick where we looked hopeless and Danny Williams was playing centre mid. However in that season we had the luxury of Butchers good start to the season to not have to worry about relegation. I’ve not been to any home games so some of the other lads can speak about those
  7. Arbroath look favourites with all their injuries and being part time. I would like to think we have enough to see us through but we seem to have 2/3 games where we look like a decent side then games where we look like we’ve no idea what football is. If any one of us, Ayr, Dunfermline, QP put a run together over the next few games then could see ourselves out of the relegation fight and looking at the good playoffs
  8. Unless you haven’t noticed, this is our match thread You’ve waded in here havering utter nonsense
  9. Coming from the fan of a club who employed known racist, misogynist and homophobe Malky Mackay. I think you should sit this one and get ready for church in the morning you lunatic
  10. I don’t think I’ve ever celebrated something that wasn’t a goal as much as I did Jamie Hamill missing that penalty. Poetic as he walked down waving his hands and then the smarmy little c**t missed it Tanseys goal might be one of my favourite ever Caley goals I’ve seen live, it was killing someone in the stand if the net didn’t stop it
  11. The lad still works there as far as I know, on the produce section too. I don’t do my shopping there No idea how he’s not been sacked yet We had some belters in that place, one of the chairs from the checkouts had to be thrown after an incident.
  12. We had a lad at my old place (supermarket) who got sent home multiple times to go for a shower. By different managers/team leaders too so not like one person was singling him out. It’s defo a job for his manager, not a colleague imo but depends on the industry tho. A building site you’d probs get away with telling someone they fucking reek, an office environment not so much.
  13. Difference is that Dodds is a havering idiot as shown by his appearances on sportsound and Sportscene.
  14. Aye as much as I think there’s guys in the squad who should’ve been gone donkeys ago, I get uneasy thinking about a full squad rebuild. Best case scenario, you can end up with a Butcher-esque rebuild in 2012 or worst case a Paul Hartley, Falkirk 2018 type squad.
  15. Goalkeepers Mark Ridgers Cammy Mackay Defence Cameron Harper Lewis Nicholson (long term injured) Wallace Duffy Danny Devine Morgan Boyes (loan) Nikola Ujdur James Carragher (loan) Cammy Kerr (loan) Remi Savage Jeremiah Chilikoa-Mullen (loan) Midfield Roddy Macgregor Aaron Doran Charlie Gilmour Max Anderson (loan) Nathan Shaw Luis Longstaff Sean McAllister (loan) Forwards Austin Samuels Billy Mckay Harry Lodovica (long term injured) Adam Brooks Alex Samuel (loan) Aribim Pepple (loan) List of all the players still at the club (as far as we know) 8 loanees must be a record for us
  16. On a slight tangent from keeping current players to resigning former ones. I noticed a weird stat recently that for 4/5 seasons we consistently re-signed ex players 2018 - Jamie Mccart (stretching it a bit as he was only on loan first time) 2019 - James Vincent, Miles Storey 2020 - Shane Sutherland 2021 - Billy Mckay and Tom Walsh 2022 - Oakley and Danny Mackay
  17. Inverness Caley thistle have SENSATIONALLY swooped for Everton Loanee, Sean McAllister
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