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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. I’ve had a sore throat for about a weeK now hoping I can fight through it to boo GSTK
  2. c***s on the water thread for this pish
  3. Commentators to be required to apologise every time there’s sectarian singing Get Derek Rae back and make him chief commentator Take all the sportsound lot, load them into a cannon and fire them into the sun I’m not precious about the 3pm kick off slot, the Friday nights are usually good. Thinking picking the odd week to have a Saturday early or evening if a game from the championship/league 1 would be good
  4. Si Ferry seems like the type to veet his tbf
  5. Jim Goodwins Dundee United are not winning their next 6 games
  6. The “navy blue pound” means they can afford a really good one
  7. If TNS win this the competition should be disbanded
  8. Similar scenario with a guy on my course at uni. His parents, who lived in Dubai, bought a flat and covered the mortgage and his pal (they were stuck at the hip, never see one without the other etc) moved into the 2nd bedroom paying rent. But they then turfed him out in the middle of a semester when the mum decided she wanted to come and live in Edinburgh for a few months The two of them never spoke to each other again after that
  9. Done the Forth Valley trail 10k round Callendar park, absolute shitter of a route with hills, hills, mud and then some more hills Snuck round in under an hour so fairly pleased but think I might offer to marshal instead next year!
  10. Feel sick that someone born after that is now playing international football
  11. Injuries mainly, think we were down to 1 fit centre mid and Max Anderson was suspended a few weeks back. That’s about 5/6 games he’s played in the middle of the park. Not been to any games recently so no idea how well he’s played in that position @PB1994 was at the game today I think so he can probably say how he got on
  12. That’s a disgusting thing to say about someone…I don’t like Wrestling
  13. I’m refraining from comment until I’ve heard what Si Ferry, Paul Slane and Kevin Kyle think about this. Don’t care what any bearded, wrestling loving, uni graduate has to say on the matter
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