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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. It is all about the pan - the pan - the pan. I have had good omelettes and bad omelettes, I have made good omelette and bad omelettes. it is all about the pan. A super hot pan is essential - or the whole thing sticks. Put the butter or oil in the mix - not in the pan. Not that I always remember - hence more bad omelette days to come.
  2. In that case, what about a presentation on the history of PowerPoint and how it works. That will teach them about irony.
  3. It is also known as Asthma Island - since most of the population have asthma. They all derive from 7 families of which 4 had asthma. Try "Asthma Island" on YouTube to see more.
  4. Just be honest with them. Say you had no ideas what to talk about so you went on to Pie and Bovril and asked for ideas. As expected, you got some excellent responses, such as Shakespeare, Quantum Physics, Landscape gardening in Peru, the effects of climate change on the iguana population of Papua New Guinea, geophysics, carbon dating of the ancient Caledonian Forest, America's on-going ban of haggis, malt whisky, an island in the Atlantic called Tristan de Cunha, scrabbled eggs, the ozone layer, washing powder, shinty and aardvarks. That should keep it going for five minutes. Good Luck.
  5. You realise, of course, that some poor civil servant will now have to make discrete enquiries to see if there is any truth to this - and if so - has national security been breached - i.e. what else do you know. "Excuse me, Mam, a small delicate matter I need to discuss with you concerning national security ..."
  6. Spaghetti Junction in Birmingham was originally made of spaghetti - hence the name.
  7. Q.: In 500 words or less, can I explain why English was tricky for me. A.: Easy. Never had enough to say.
  8. When customs officials from Diego Garcia asked Ronny Deila to show them his work visa, he was unable to find it. Kept muttering "I left it in a cup." They have allowed him to stay for now but asked him to leave by the summer.
  9. While sceptical at first - this is all beginning to make sense. I always thought "The Spy Love who loved me" and "Summer Holiday" were similar films but I could not think why. All the same, I think they missed a trick not casting Hank Marvin as James Bond.
  10. The original storyline for "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" involved aliens from outer space inventing the internet so everybody spends all their time sitting in front of a computer while the aliens quietly take control of the Earth. Sounds a bit far-fetched to me!
  11. Although it looks remarkably similar to Earth, the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory was actually located on the planet Alderaan. This planet was destroyed by the Death Star in the first Star Wars film. Although the factory was destroyed, vast amounts of chocolate floated through space - to a galaxy far, far away - in other words - our galaxy - the Milky Way (no pun intended) and eventually arrived here on Earth. So, if you like chocolate - you can thank Darth Vadar and his friends (and Willy Wonka - I suppose)
  12. Scottish Haggis is banned by the Americans because they are trying to breed their own in captivity in Area 51
  13. That quote comes from the wonderful film "12 Angry Men" starring Henry Fonda.
  14. Does anybody here like Porridge?
  15. The Forth Road Bridge is shut due to industrial action by redundant painters of the other bridge.
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