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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I could lend you an old cast and a walking stick. I am sure you could easily look the part.
  2. At least he didn't say 1854. That was the Charge of the Light Brigade.
  3. The weather. Unoriginal, repetitive storyline, gets me down.
  4. Norman Lloyd? Especially his small part in Hitchcock's Saboteur.
  5. #Worldle #33 6/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  6. It is not in my job description to be expert at anything so I am not.
  7. I object to the title of this thread. It should be called "Train Impersonation Day".
  8. I am going to use that as much as possible this week and see if I can make others start to use it as well. Great. I look forward to your Analysis Paralysis Analysis.
  9. "Apollo 13, we have calculated the vector for safe re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. Just let me grab a coffee and then I will tell you what it is."
  10. You forgot to mention Penon De Velez De La Gomera. The world's shortest International border.
  11. Really. I didn't think numbers would be your thing.
  12. Please note: Not to be confused with Jean-Luc Picard, Jean-Jacques Burnel or Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
  13. Finland was an ally of Nazi Germany because they were both fighting the Soviet Union, while Norway was fighting German occupation. The Nazis were totally evil but pretty much the same could be said of the Soviet Union. Stalin was quite happy to supply Germany with everything up until the day that Germany attacked. All occupied countries were seriously compromised. The Ukrainians were often fighting both the Nazis and the Soviets.
  14. What is that train doing in Cardiff? For some reason, I thought the Fife Circle would have been more appropriate.
  15. The main purpose of a tea break or coffee break is not the tea or the coffee - it is the break. I have been in offices where you can get instant boiling water courtesy of the management - people get instant tea or coffee and return straight to their desk, with no real break at all. I know this means more time at your desk and supposedly more work done but actually it is counter productive. Therefore on a matter of principle I do not refill the kettle. The next lot can get a proper break waiting for the kettle to boil. I think I deserve a prize for this sort of insight.
  16. I thought it might be one of those promotional talks about turning your company into a thriving successful business by stream lining the work flow, increasing motivational aspirations and massively improving productivity by using as many bullshit words as you can possibly think of. Thankfully it was not.
  17. I thought it was about foot hygiene.
  18. Today I have expedited my plans to conquer Everest. .. and you?
  19. Syria has been an ally of Russia for years. Unlike Brexit Britain, Russia is less than keen to reduce its sphere of influence. Syria is a mess. The assumption was that you get rid of the current ruler and then the situation will fix itself. Didn't work in Iraq, or Libya, or anywhere actually.
  20. Yes. During the Cold War, the USA and the Soviet Union went to enormous lengths to avoid directly fighting each other even if their proxies suffered a lot. Same again here.
  21. I understand all of that. Putin was a big fan of the Soviet Union and his complaint is when 1 country suddenly became 15 countries and a lot of unimportant internal borders suddenly became international borders. I understand where he is coming from even if I don't agree with him.
  22. Historically, Crimea had been part of Russia. Khrushchev gave the Crimea to the Ukraine when both Russia and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union. When it looked like Ukraine might join the EU or NATO, Putin snatched it back Trying to annex parts of the Ukraine that were never part of Russia would be a different matter.
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