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Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo

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Posts posted by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo

  1. Agreed. The no campaign must be wondering what the f**k is going on. They can't shake us despite the biggest coordinated campaign of propaganda, shite and state endorsed bollocks since probably the second world war.

    Where do they go from here? When you've been promised a fate worse than death how can you then (and with a nod to Blackadder) promise Scotland a fate worse than a fate worse than death?

    Looks like we're all off to Heidelburg to teach Home Economics.

  2. Recently back from 10 days on the White Isle and heard some awesome stuff, but my number one moment was when a couple of boys finished their set at the Ibiza Jet Pool with:

    The bit at 5:12 makes me moist.

  3. My new job is so boring that i have started collecting stamps from the envelopes I have to check. I have a small collection of about 8 unique stamps. Sorry to say I have no doublers, so any collectors are out of luck.

    If it is boring try to make a game of it. For example see how many stamps you can get in an hour. Then try and beat that record.

  4. Anyone else think that some of the BBC's stories are starting to look like a teenage girl's MySpace page? Or whatever they use these days. Bebo?

    Here's an example: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/special/2014/newsspec_8529/index.html

    It's an utterly horrific mess :thumbsdown

    It looks horrible so I didn't bother reading. I assume 'Helmand's Golden Age' is an article about the development of jar-based mayonnaise, so it was probably a pile of shite anyway.

  5. Imagine someone from Barrhead murdered someone (not hard to imagine admittedly) and the police blew up the home of the accused with explosives and then the RAF conducted a large number of airstrikes against the town destroying the infrastructure of Barrhead.

    That's what's happened.

    And quote of the day from Benjamin Netanyahu, whom I suspect I will never meet:

    "They sanctify death, we sanctify life, they sanctify cruelty, and we mercy and compassion. That is the secret of our strength."

  6. Yeah i fully understand why my viewpoint is in the minority, just think though how much money Murray had and how much he spunked on Rangers, do you not find it plausible that without EBT's he still would've overspent and signed players that were detrimental to the balance sheet but still manageable. Before whyte we were managing our debt, it was a huge amount and without the EBT's it still would've been huge, maybe different faces but i don't think that without EBT's Murray would have been more responsible financially, living within our means and signing "shitey" players.

    He 'spunked' absolutely nothing on Rangers.

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