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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. I remember this. I assume, like courts, you accept eyewitness testimony?
  2. Bid to save our game? Yeah, I'm going to take someone that says that seriously. But what's your point? By the measure you present Sell out Saturday has been a roaring success. Can you see why this is confusing?
  3. Mildly perplexed is the phrase you are looking for. Unless you are one of he knuckle dragging fraternity that gets angry when they don't understand something I have no idea how you could make such an error. But as to what you are lying about "Sell out Saturdays", it was only ever one Saturday but nearly every time you bring it up you like to pretend (bare faced lie) that diddy fans promised to sell out every Saturday if rangers were told to get tae. Often you will be corrected and have it explained to you in simple words but then not long later you will return with the same lies. It's honestly really odd behaviour.
  4. If that's true why does he keep bringing up sell-out Saturday? Part of the role? Impressive dedication if so.
  5. Still lying about that benny? Why you keep doing it is a hell of a puzzler. It's like you are trying to show off or embarrass people - but even complete morons should realise you are talking pish. Which means for something like 3 years you have been continually seeking the approval of people you must consider to be cretins. It's just odd.
  6. That's embarrassingly bad. You'd think someone always ready with a "diddies can't apostrophe" post would put some effort into his own writing. Poor show kinky.
  7. It's quite natural to admire things in others you are incapable of yourself.
  8. Retreating into fantasy-land already? Didn't take long today. Away have a wee walk, it's lovely outside.
  9. TBH I think Solitaire is a tic fan on the wind up. He puts so much effort into saying really really stupid things - I think he's getting jollies from watching the sevco fans sook his green boaby.
  10. You make a good point. Pretending to be billy big baws must take it out of them.
  11. Rangers fans getting in a right old state. Didn't they win at the weekend? You'd think they'd be happy for a change.
  12. You can tell when a rangers fan is making stuff up, the day ends with a letter y.
  13. My point was entirely neutral, no judgement was made ofthe reporter, simply the bit in [] was not said. Regardless of whose bias it is your point is horseshit. As I'm sure you are well aware.
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