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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Spot on. A football club died ffs, compared with that your incompetent trolling is merely sad.
  2. It's great. We find you hilarious and you claim you find the us hilarious. Everyone is having a great time except FB.
  3. If it makes you feel better to believe your lie you go right ahead. As you simply don't seem to understand (or want to accept) the more times you say "hur dur 54 and counting" the funnier it becomes. You may be a bunch of glory hunting fannies - but you are a highly entertaining bunch of glory hunting fannies.
  4. What Ronaldo said covers most of it but also it's to laugh at you and all the other poor little teddy bears that can't handle it - I though that was patently obvious? The schadenfreude has been incredible.
  5. If you honestly believed that why on earth would you dignify it with a response? It would be like responding to FB's 'h' nonsense. Most call him out on his implied "no wan o us" bull the first few times but ignore it after that. Yet rangers fans desperately defend the club/company pish every single time...
  6. On the bright side, their insistence that it's the same club causes much spluttered indignation when you point it that that means they support cheats. They deny it of course - breaking rules for financial advantage is only cheating in insidious celtic propaganda rags - like dictionaries.
  7. Can you sell a business without it's debt, I thought you could only sell assets debt free? Seems hugely open for abuse. Could I theoretically buy ICT and Ross County, Sell County debt free and leave ICT fooked? Pretty sure Nacho seems to be talking as though rangers were sold in a stock sale as opposed to an asset sale.
  8. That would be fair if you had ever explained your objection to the proof provided. Since you haven't I can only assume you are attempting to troll.
  9. Good call, spied on UK ports iirc. So as long as I call celtic fans nazi's you won't object to me caling rangers fans the klan then?
  10. It's been over 2 years since I read it, so yes, it is. Thanks for confirming your interest was imitation.
  11. Sorry no. Keep attacking me instead of my argument though. Confirms you have nothing to say.
  12. Is there a song Celtic fans currently sing showing they are proud of fascists? By all means bring it up. It won't make it any less legitimate to call rangers fans "the klan" though will it? It would (if it is the case) just give me a reason to call rangers and celtic fans 'the klan' together though - would that make you happy?
  13. You believe he was too bigoted to join the fascists? Lol. Regardless. Go read Dr Davies book. You've been told where to find the information so any further discussion beyond this point can only mean one of two things: a - you've read it, believe you have found an evidential flaw, and want to discuss further b - you are lying about wanting to know the truth.
  14. Talking about the KKK though not the razor gang. Maybe hold off on the whataboutery until you know what people are actually discussing?
  15. Yes, he went into a torrent of whataboutery and whenever he's challenged on that he goes in a huff and stops talking for a few hours. Can be very handy from time to time.
  16. Huh? What are you waiting on? Did I miss a question in amongst your scintillating prose?
  17. Not at all. Genuinely concerned. Your constant painting of others with emotions they are obviously not feeling looks a lot like projection (a standard affliction among the old firm unfortunately). Your need to call everyone else upset or whatever seems rooted in a need for normalisation - ie if everyone is upset you'll feel better about being upset yourself, misery loves company after all.
  18. Did you read my comment? 1) I never said you denied it. 2) I said you would be unhappy with 3rd party and sent you in the right direction to get exactly what you need. And yet here you are denying you denied it and asking for better sources. Weirdly this is exactly the behaviour I would expect from someone defending billy rather than someone on the hunt for knowledge. Your demands to be drip fed while putting in zero effort yourself aren't helping your pretence.
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