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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Wow, you are even stupider than I thought. I didn't defend the plastics. I mocked you for claiming bitterness is the reserve of plastics.
  2. Not on here, I only came here to laugh at you idiots after dave.j brought it up on wearethistle.co.uk. Only looked at the thistle forum once or twice and it was pretty dead at the time. Might pop in later now the seasons started and check it out again.
  3. You poor soul, you really are that stupid. There there. Let me explain. 1) you said the plastics were bitter 2) I agree but such pot/kettle name calling deserves being called out. 3) I post about a bunch of idiots marching to the bbc, this you will note is still on topic. ie. You say celtic are bitter because they phoned a few thousand times - you idiots were so bitter you marched on the place. 4) You post about your silly little march being legal. This has nothing to do with anything. This is deflection. Hope that helps.
  4. Stop pretending to be stupid (unless you are really this thick, in which case I'm sorry). When you said, "To be fair at least our march was legal." you inferred that celtics complaints were not (since they were the subject we were discussing). Unless you were claiming Celtics non-existent march on the BBC was illegal but that would be moronic. Of course the third possibility is you were just spouting pish completely irrelevant to the topic in hand in a bid to deflect from your fellow supporters obvious bitterness.
  5. The 8000 complaints to the BBC were illegal? Really? Or are you just spouting irrelevant nonsense again in a bid to deflect? I think we all know the answer to that one.
  6. But you keep commenting on it. A bystander without any preconceived notions would find you protestations of indifference hard to swallow. People familiar with the thread will just laugh.
  7. To be fair to the other ugly sister, they've never actually marched on the bbc have they? In the bitterness stakes trifc really are world beaters.
  8. The Rangers, apparently there is no finance company - the money is paid directly to Sevco.
  9. I'm with Bendarroch on this one I have to admit, If I supported my local team I would be a Sevco fan. Sod that.
  10. The rules are wishy-washy as a wishy-washy thing: The Board hereby reserves its discretion as to whether or not such a person is fit and proper, as aforesaid, after due consideration of all relevant facts which the Board has in its possession and knowledge, including the undernoted list which is acknowledged to be illustrative and not exhaustive:- ... (j) he has been a director of a club in membership of any National Association within the 5-year period preceding such club having undergone an insolvency event; ... Really the rules just say it's something they will look at before deciding.
  11. To be honest (and feel free to correct me No.8 ) I'm pretty sure he was joking. The overall tone seems less than serious and No.8 just doesn't strike me as the sort of idiot that uses double exclamation marks. It's almost like a caricature of tedi or vicky.
  12. It's fairly simple as far as I can see. McGregor had a contract with the old company, not with the new one. While he could have chosen to move his contract to the new company, he could not be forced to do so (due to it being a new company). According to LNS "This is not to say that a Club has legal personality, separate from and additional to the legal personality of its owner and operator. We are satisfied that it does not, and Mr McKenzie (the SPL’s lawyer) did not seek to argue otherwise." If the club has no separate legal personality then player contracts must be held by the company. So all in all just some simple employment law. Unless I'm missing something I cannot see how this shows one way or the other that Sevco are a new club (they are though, Rangers -a current at the time SPL member club- voted yes to Sevco -not an SPL member club- getting SPL entry - only clubs have votes so they must be two separate clubs).
  13. Ever thought of switching your allegiance to Sevco? That's hair splitting at an Olympic level. You'd fit right in.
  14. Hmm, that's a toughy, I was hoping to be only asked for proof. Shit. I'll go with universities, places where psychologists congregate and (now) within earshot of my desk. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120406234458.htm
  15. It's well known that the biggest homophobes are in fact self-loathing gay men.
  16. Wasting your time - Tedi lives entirely in a fantasy world of his own devising. Delusions of that level generally aren't healthy but at least he's happy.
  17. It's a bad workman always blames his tools. A good workman can still mess up with rubbish tools.
  18. Seriously? Have they ever compared bibles? Pretty sure both of them state the earth is flat with a bowl shaped sky.
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