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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Dude you totally misunderstand, I was never bothered by it. They are imaginary internet point ffs. Your wee red dot gave me a chuckle. Beyond that I really couldn't care less. I am however highly concerned at your apparent inability to work out who the homophobe is. You red dotted me for taking the piss out of Cowanthehomophobe. I laughed at you for supporting a homophobe (by red dotting the person taking the piss out of them). How on earth is this difficult to follow?
  2. Wow. You really suck at this. Swerving a question? You didn't ask me a question you prat. In fact all you've done here is swerve the question yourself. Pathetic. Re WRK. Funnily enough I also know the words to paper roses. Does that mean in your view I'm a rangers fan who pretends to be a killie fan that used to be a celtic fan that posts as a Partick Thistle fan? Typical sevco paranoia.
  3. Do you mean me? That red dot is the funniest thing you've done all week dude. I actually laughed out loud. The fact I annoy you enough that you will support a homophobe is hilarious.
  4. Hahahahaha. That's why I'm taking the piss out of you and the dead cheats then? I heard a bunch of dead cheat fans signing a celtic song once but ended it with "The Glasgow celtic will be there - selling the programs" does this mean (because they knew the words) that celtic is their big team then?
  5. Hi Bennet. I see you're giving me a down vote for taking the piss out of a homophobe. It's nice to know I wind you up that much.
  6. Aye, and a whole bunch or other teams songs. See, if you actually go to games, you tend to hear them. You really are rubbish at this you know that?
  7. CAPS for SHOUTING not emphasis. It's such amazing and awesome news it deserves to be shouted. No stress - in fact it's joy. Your schoolboy attempts to wind me up are quite funny though. Keep at it, it's a slow morning and your lunacy is most entertaining.
  8. Huh? What pish is this? If I didn't complain before I can never complain in the future? You really are a weird one.
  9. Surely you have heard of them? According to a song I heard an ape sing while I was walking along copland road they are famous. They cheated and died. Did you miss it? Too busy following celtic weren't you?
  10. I know you are stupid so I'll try to make this simple. The celtic fans are arseholes - but this is a thread about the dead cheats you used to support. Therefore the posts in here should be about said dead cheats, or possibly their tribute act. Posts about celtic are just sad attempt to deflect from the fact that your old and new clubs are a laughing stock (or your need to follow a sducessful club).
  11. I don't care. Titles aren't that important. I should know - I follow the oldest professional team in Glasgow, the last time I witnessed us lift a trophy in a competition any part of the old firm competed in was in the SECC. But it's still possible that we can win titles in the future. Glasgow rangers never will. Rangers cheated and died. NOTHING YOU CAN DO OR SAY WILL CHANGE THIS. Everyone can see them for the scum they were. Pleasing. Edited for clarity.
  12. Can you stop posting about celtic? I get your need to follow a successful team but this is a thread about Glasgow rangers. You may have heard of them. They cheated then they died.
  13. Hold on. Are you trying to claim "did not gain any unfair competitive advantage" means the same as "didn't cheat"? Cause your old club are cheats. Your dead club broke the rules = Cheats. It's not a tough concept.
  14. If it annoys you? (which it so obviously does) Damn right he can have a greeny.
  15. Deprived of brain cells as well if you think people taking turns to laugh at your stupidity is evidence of anger.
  16. Close but not quite. The decision is unchanged (wasn't an appeal - ASA re-opened it) and the complainants now have 7 days to appeal.
  17. Sorry is English not your first language? A bigot is just someone who view others negatively due to prejudices. A racist bigot views people of other races negatively. A sectarian bigot views people of other sects negatively.
  18. Yes, without that qualifier someone might have thought you were a racist bigot like No.8. I'm sure you wouldn't want that now would you?
  19. If it bothers you that much stop using your abergreen/plastic pish ya twat.
  20. Has to be something else: Dutch is not a race. ETA. Why is this SO important to you? Do you think some celtic fans being bigots makes it all right that some sevco fans are bigots?
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