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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Almost as devastated as sevco's board will be to find out the fans want them out (but boycotts are not an option). You think if you whinge enough they'll just up and get off the gravy train?
  2. Aww. Poor wee bendy has to resort to lying. I know I shouldn't expect integrity from sevco fans but why on earth would you lie? Is it pathological? Definitely weird. ETA. Do you really think you gave him it tight?
  3. In the laugh at sevco and their idiot fans thread? Don't hold your breath.
  4. Aww, poor bendy doesn't get it. I wasn't 'leaping' to his defense you silly coot (smarter people will spot this due to the small fact that I never said anything in his defense - it's a small point but pretty important), I was laughing at your obsession with celtic.
  5. An English case from half a century ago is the thing this reminds you of? Could you be any more obsessed with celtic?
  6. Any fiscal whizkids about? I'm curious about investment in sevco. At the current price sevco would need to sell twice as many shares as they did the last time to get the same amount of money. Would this cause the currant shares to drop to 12p?
  7. UEFA have said you aren't new? So you ARE allowed in Europe next season? Have you called the ... er is there a paper you muppets still trust, bugrit Daily Ranger - to give them this exclusive?
  8. Not ignoring it mounting up over a ten year period would be the answer there. Glad to help.
  9. Because you constant need to go on and on about your beloved celtic is off topic and should be given negative rep.
  10. What has this got to do with your dead club? Don't get me wrong. I hope they get the book, the shelf, indeed the whole bookcase chucked at them but mentioning it in this thread just looks like obsession, deflection and whataboutery,
  11. Wow, you managed to mention Ms Haggerty without being a misogynistic scum stain. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!!!!!!
  12. Huh? I know you're simple but really? UEFA won't let you play in Europe because you are a new club. Why would this upset me? I am confused as to the ASA's decision though. Even if they think you're the same club what on earth makes old rangers the "most successful". 50-odd league titles? Surely Aberdeen and Celtic are far more successful since they have both won things that are far harder to win than the Scottish league?
  13. The UEFA that won't let you play in Europe because you're team is a new club? That UEFA?
  14. Thanks. I'd love to take credit but unfortunately it's all true. Feel free to believe whatever you want though. We'll continue to laugh at you, you continue to pretend not to care.
  15. It's so so funny. Lad in my work still thinks Sally is a good manager and an honest man. It's brill. Mind you , even he admits now that they are a laughing stock. Admittedly in his blinkered vision he only blames the currant board for this but to cut a long story short - yes he's aware that the team he used to support died because it cheated and the team he now supports is a laughing stock. TBF he's not as stupid as most of you guys. He's the only sevco fan I've met that thinks David King is at it.
  16. What is the point of all these lies? Are you up for election to the newco board and trying to show transferable skills?
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