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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. I'm pretty sure if Dave wanted his come back he's have wiped it off yer maw's face.
  2. You think it's funny that we can't stop laughing at you and your teams? Whatever. Laughter enjoys company. Laugh away Bendy .
  3. Fair enough. looks like I was wrong there. Also thanks for finding the JM article. Pretty damming if true.
  4. Hadn't heard of McCluskey's evidence. Interesting. So basically what you are trying to say is that although the court found otherwise you will continue to say that Jock knew?
  5. One person SAID that Stein kicked Torbett out. No evidence was produced to back this up.
  6. I'm not sure what is more disgusting - bennet using '71 for point scoring or his fellow newco fans ignoring bennet using '71 for point scoring. Utter scum. Oh and if the scummy vulture really wants it dropped then they should probably refrain from lies in their posts as these tend to cause people to reply and call it out on it's shite.
  7. No, having functioning grey matter he thinks it's important to tic fans. Since Rangers fans don't care about what goes on at their club, and Celtic fans would be busy with European football only us diddies would notice the accounts. While not a fullproof burial method it still had potential.
  8. The fact you won't condemn your old club for trying to avoid paying compensation to the families proves you don't care about this at all and just want to point score. f**k off you horrible little vulture.
  9. You are a scummy fucking liar. Every single Rangers supporter? What all eleventygazillion of them (or whatever bullshit number you claim)? Notice you've yet to answer any serious questions on it either. Ever going to tell us what you think of your scummy club trying to refuse compensation? No? Well f**k off with your fake outrage then.
  10. All very worthy, except of course the stuff you were greeting about yesterday had nothing to do with the Ibrox disaster.
  11. Only if you believe no-one ever red-dotted him. Probly more like 2000 green dots from his own ailiases.
  12. Then you are as blind as you are stupid. Oooh is that a threat at the end of your post. That's not at all like a scumbag Rangers fan. /s
  13. Go on then, explain how that gif in any way relates to the disaster. What does a gif of a memorial walking away say about the disaster that you find so distasteful? Does it remind you that the Rangers board tried to "walk away" from paying compensation to the families of those that died in the shoddy excuse for a stadium (their excuse being kind-hearted Celtic fans had already given them some money so why should Rangers)?
  14. Only a sad w**k desperate to find offense would think that gif had anything to do with the tradegy.
  15. What? A joke about John Grieg walking away (it had f**k all to do with '71 - don't dishonour the dead by using them to try to look holier than thou) is lower in tone than insulting sdomeones looks? Your lot trying to shoehorn the disaster into this is far scummier, you c***s have no shame.
  16. Sad sad b*****ds. Any reason to get upset. The joke has nothing to do with '71 and even people as stupid as the Rangers fans on here pretend to be (I hope) can see that. Don't they realise all this mock offense just make them look like bigger fannies than they already do? Twats.
  17. Thank f**k there's someone here that can translate orcish, I'd be waiting for a cold day in hell before Janus came back with a legible answer.
  18. Tedi ya sad w**k. Since Bennet won't tell us what this means could you do the honours? Or did you just greenie because you are the same person?
  19. Classic Bendy. Always happy to provide a laugh for us diddies. Let's be honest, it would get pretty boring arround here if the nutters all buggered off.
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