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Everything posted by aofjays

  1. Then go away? You find our teams irrelevant. You find our opinions irrelevant. You find P&B irrelevant. Yet here you still are. Thanks for providing a new ID to laugh at though. The BRALT would die (or at least be much more pedestrian) without figures of fun such as yourself.
  2. Living in a complete fantasy world? Ignore any facts you are presented and if that fails simply make stuff up? Oh, bugger - it's Tedi. My money was on benny.
  3. You claim having your team mocked as Dignity FC is upsetting and shouldn't be done in front of you. You are possibly the most delicate and easily offended person I've ever heard of. To claim otherwise just makes you look silly.
  4. You make him blush as much as you want benny. Wouldn't dream of stopping you.
  5. Personally? Nope. But since I'm not a catholic I'm probably not qualified to say whether or not it's the same. That would be like me commenting on whether or not black people should be allowed to find the N word offensive. Why do you ask? Do you think it makes the Sevco fan in question any less of a scumbag bigot misogynist? (Hint: No it doesn't).
  6. > It's an opinion that a football club can't die. Do you actually enjoy having this argument? No I was hoping we might have finally found a Rangers fan that could answer the question rather than just spout rubbish. I was wrong. Of course clubs can die. Your opinion is totally worthless since there are facts that show it to be wrong. You can continue to believe it but you will only be proving what I said initially - that you are in denial. > I'm not spending my day trawling through forums, why do people say things like this then act as if they're winning an argument because the person isn't willing to spend their time sifting through shite online?! You claimed you didn't want to answer this because it's been answered before. Done to death you said in fact. Yet you now claim it would take you all day to find an example? The reason this causes people to act like they are winning an argument is because that's exactly what they are doing. Your refusal to answer is exactly the same as no answer which is exactly the same as losing the argument. > No it was just a general comment, no need to over analyse all my words and question everything. You're not coming across clever. Oh no. A rangers fan that is incapable of answering simple questions doesn't think I'm coming across as clever. HOW WILL I LIVE THIS DOWN? >He's no gay, he's got a kiddie with Sarah. Hiya bennet.
  7. > It is an opinion. No it's not. I explained this using facts. If you can't refute those facts then you are just choosing to deny the truth. > I won't because it's been done to death on every football forum across Scotland. While I'm sure it's been asked multiple times I've yet to see an answer that's based in actual facts. If you have feel free to quote one - I don't mind if it's not really your own work. > Don't let my views hold you back though. Why would you think it would? Do you let people you don't knows delusions hold you back? Re the great alias debate you've sparked. Can I put 10p on it being bennet? I doubt any of the sash signing bigoted twats would pick a gay guy for their avatar.
  8. Rangers dying isn't an opinion though - hence the denial. Assuming you're not alias like others have claimed any chance you could have a go at this old teaser? When new rangers were requesting admission to the SPL all the member CLUBS got to vote on it. Old rangers (an SPL member CLUB) voted to allow Sevco (not an SPL member CLUB) entry. Can you explain how, if rangers didn't die, they were able to be both a member club and a non-member club at the same time?
  9. Thanks. A lot of your fellow supporters get all upset (which only adds to the hilarity). If blinkered vision or denial works for you, you run with it.
  10. Ahhhh. I see your problem - you're Rip Van Winkle and slept through the last few years. Rangers died - It was hilarious. We all laughed. We are still laughing. Quite a lot of us will probably never really stop laughing at rangers. But wait... there's more... After your team died a completely new team was formed using some of the players/staff/facilities of the old (now dead) club. This new team have been almost as entertaining as watching the old team die especially with the added bonus that they could possibly follow in their predecessors trailblazing footsteps. Throughout all this the fans of the old and new rangers have provided us with a huge amount of laughs on a daily basis. It's been awesome and long may it continue.
  11. Of course it's mocked. You are playing against part time teams. If the press and other new rangers fans weren't crowing about it no-one would have mentioned it. It's only because these idiots think that it's some kind of amazing achievement that it's getting mocked.
  12. Just out of interest. Why do you believe the team deserve a compliment? As the second most expensive full time team in Scotland it is expected that they achieve stuff like this. Indeed surely you would find it sorely embarrassing if they didn't?
  13. You can buy stuff with them at the P and B secret shop. I could tell you the address... but then I'd have to kill you.
  14. What are you on about? It's plainly obvious from what DhenBhoy wrote that he took in what you posted. He just disagreed with your (amusing) rewriting of history to suit your need to blame Whyte.
  15. Do you expect them to admit they know we're laughing at them? Cognitive dissonance is too strong. If they admitted we're laughing at them then they would have to admit to themselves that Sevco is a joke. They would have to admit they are following a joke and being fleeced for the privilege. They would have to admit that they themselves are jokes. Their arrogance will not allow this.
  16. Why do you keep lying? What do you hope to gain? You are annoying people only in your own head. It's really quite sad.
  17. I'm making posts about your love-in with a homophobe you cretin, red dot all my posts with your many aliases for all I care (if you can resist your obsession with WRK). I didn't say when he made the posts. The fact you know about the deleted posts show you to be the lying wee idiot we all assumed you are. Well done.
  18. Your V1 is a different club. It says 1903 on Aberdeen's badge - not 1881 ya tool. Not bothered going any further since you seem incapable of the most basic of fact checking.
  19. Curious about this too. I even went through a few pages in case I'd missed something but no - he just suddenly starts spouting about 3 Aberdeens. I have noted in the past that he lives in a complete fantasy world of his own devising so it's possible Aberdeen have been liquidated twice in whatever universe his mind happens to reside today.
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