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Everything posted by YassinMoutaouakil

  1. Shouldn't Kippers be questioning how their fucktarded strategists managed to only end up with one seat?
  2. Carswell would be interesting.
  3. There's a chippy in East Kilbride called Manhattan. Not sure why people still bother with New York when they have one right on their doorstep.
  4. Mhak was the dece Hearts guy that got banned in one of those 50 Best/Worst/Influentual posters threads.Edit:the swear filter adds an h to his name, I think it was because he insisted on calling Aberdeen "Ahbergreen" but that's quite possibly bullshit.
  5. @mrnickharvey This is a personal favourite blatantly made up story of his. https://twitter.com/mrnickharvey/status/420456799868026880
  6. This utter pisswank of a man keeps on being retweeted to my feed.
  7. The c**t's called Roman, of course any self respecting 11 year old would avoid him like the plague. Seriously though, why on earth would you want the fact that you've no pals broadcast to the world?
  8. I dreamt that I went Highland dancing with a goth girl I vaguely know and ended up sprinting from Fortrose to Inverness because I forgot my phone. Was quite a good dream in all honesty.
  9. Check out Daft Punk's new single "Get Lucky" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.

    1. forkboy


      Aw right Limmy pal, calm down.

  10. Can't wait to see the pictures from Sanctuary last Saturday.
  11. Completely agree, I find Kanye a much more charismatic rapper.
  12. The new Death Grips song is fucking incredible.
  13. Not even hiding it well anymore. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/12/nigel-farage-british-muslim-fifth-column-fuels-immigration-fear-ukip
  14. That jibe might have made sense if I wasn't a fantastic poster and all round great guy.
  15. Bumping my own thread because that's how I roll. What's the Lewis Stevenson thing?
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