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Everything posted by YassinMoutaouakil

  1. If I was Jesus there's no way I'd be helping c***s called Jabeen.
  2. Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
  3. The Barbershop one is a classic. "This enormous woman will devour us all! "
  4. Sufjan Stevens - How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning
  5. Why is Wisbit under the impression that coffee makes you immune to big scary men and their knives?
  6. I'd quite like to get banned and come back but I'm not really argumentative enough.
  7. The very same fascist Mod gave me a warning for telling a Hibs fan (TGIG?) to f**k off and die. Censorship IMO.
  8. FWIW I quite like PB tbh, his campaign to unleash wolves and bears near Standfree's house was pretty funny.
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