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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. Stokes has obviously been trying to squeeze us for more money and we can only go so far (going by Lennons comments we offered a brilliant deal as well). Got to move on to other targets at some point. 

    I'd be willing to wait it out till the window nearly closes tbh. That's the point where demands go way down. Loads of players released or made available on loan if clubs were asking too much.
  2. You're actually alive. yXAbrOQ.png
    While this is very embarrassing, Hibs took three full years to get out of the lower leagues. eMlO2Ay.png

    Won the Scottish Cup, got to another final, and lost 2 semi finals in the last 3 years. It was a nightmare period. We demand better. Only qualified for Europe once ffs.

    Hearts done what in that period?
  3. Will never replace 7-0, 6-2, The European Cup invite or Floodlights. :wub:

    I've always thought that was a weird Jambo thing tbh. "Hibs, lol, they got invited to the first ever European Cup". Aye, invited because we were acknowledged as being a European superpower who showed it by reaching the semi final of the inaugural tournament...

    And that's something we should be ashamed of somehow [emoji174]
  4. Has anyone on here queued overnight for tickets before? If so, do the gates into the car park shut at a certain time or are they open all night? wee brother is getting his tickets so is going to go down at about midnight 

    I have. They might act like good c***s and open the west stand for them to queue in. They've done that before.


  5. Our slip up at Peterhead is going to have 0 impact on our season.
    Were still in the cup.
    Lafferty is now 4 goals in 3
    I actually cant wait to see how silly Hibs look when Ambrose makes the howler to allow Lafferty to score the winner at ER

    Lafferty, 4 goals in 3. Simon Murray, 5 goals in 3.

    After the league cup stages last season Brian Graham was the top scorer in Scotland...

    Haven't we been hearing for 3 years now about how Hearts are going to dominate Hibs because "Stevenson is shite, Walker will destroy him" "Hanlon is soft, Goncalves will tear him apart" "Djoum is a top player" etc etc. Hasn't happened. Quite the opposite.
  6. A friend of mine got a Hearts away season ticket a few years ago. We went on to have a fecking awful season and he regretted it big time.
    You have to admire their loyalty, but sometimes it's better to just donate to your club rather than torturing yourself following them. [emoji6]

    Couple of my mates picked them up. They go most weeks, but reckon they'll be fine punting them on for any games they can't make. Plus, hunbrox tickets without an issue.
  7. Where's best to park? Mate says behind East Stand but not sure how busy that will be or if it's best for away end?

    Night games are a nightmare for parking tbh. Streets around are rammed by 6. Meadowbank retail park or the Tesco at the foot of Easter Road might be your best bet. Either way you will be a good 10 minutes walk away.
  8. Potential line up:                    Marciano
                                     Ambrose McGregor Hanlon
                    Whittaker                                                 Stevenson
                                      McGinn               Bartley
                                   Stokes                      Church
    Subs: Laidlaw, Fontaine, Gray, McGeough, Pennent, Murray, Shaw

    Think the reason we're signing Whittaker is because he can play as a wing back on either side. If we play a 5-3-2 all season you can't ask (especially) Gray and Stevenson to play every game. Could see them basically rotating every game.
  9. Considering Levein is roundly hated save for a handful of oddballs clinging onto the '80s, that's rather pleasing. thf.png

    Gary Mackay too? 6k at his testimonial.

    The crowd at Leveins first testimonial was 2700. He had a second testimonial against Hibs. 8k at that, including about 2 thousand Hibbies.

    So one of Hearts favourite players had 2 testimonials, the second after his career was finished by injury. Less jambos went to them combined than Lewis Stevenson got today. Understandable given that Stevenson has won medals I suppose.
  10. Perhaps if we had managed to actually make a signing or two this past week and also not charged £20 a skull, then we wouldn't be looking at such a poor turnout.

    I mean, I'm going but why on earth would I have bothered to get a ticket in advance? I'll just get one at the pod before the game. It's not like there's going to be a sell out.
  11. Nice 4-0 win. Good to hear promising stuff about Shaw


    Mates with my wee brother. His opinion of him is "absolutely rapid and will take chances, but he might struggle a bit with very physical defenders". I think he got booted upside down at Stenny last season and has had to work out how to avoid it.

    Lennon apparently likes him fwiw. Very encouraging.
  12. If we sell McGinn I would actually prefer a smaller fee with a high percentage sell on clause, that way we don't have to pay St Mirren as much. 

    No how it works. If we have a sell on fee then St Mirren get their percentage of that. Mind the Steven Fletcher one where we got hefty amounts for him going from Burnley...
  13. 1. Are you suggesting he'd be avoided because he'd suffered from depression?  Interesting view.
    2. well yes if he's jacking it in altogether then he's probably finished.

    1. Aye, that's exactly what I'm suggesting. You probably missed it, but Swanson had an interview recently where his agent told him a club pulled out of a contract offer for him when they learned he'd had depression. I'd imagine there would be an even higher bar with a manager. It's no right, but it will be the case.

    2. I was talking about jacking Hibs.
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