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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. 19 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    Michael Stewart thinks a punch to the balls should only be a yellow card

    Jonathon Sutherland thinks a punch to the baws isn't acceptable in the workplace... I haven't worked anywhere that sliding tackles aren't frowned upon either tbh, it's almost like football isn't a normal workplace.

  2. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/news/local/stadium-objectors-eye-big-turnout-at-meeting/?utm_content=buffere49ec&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
    Linda Duncan said: “Having experienced the latest battles at the Rangers v Aberdeen football match and witnessed violence and bad behaviour, I fear for the future of Westhill if these fans were to invade a family town.
    “I would fear for young children, mothers and older people trying to go about their business. Parking would also be an issue.”

    She named them first? 100% ***.
  3. Hibs give away fans just under 4000 tickets for most of these sell outs. Even the Patrick game only had 16000 home fans. Meanwhile our sell outs range from having 18000-20000 home fans.

    Hearts, Celtic, and the Rangers are the only clubs who will get the full stand this season (and I'd drop the **** allocation to the 2% they give us at ibrox). The other half of it will be given to our own fans as it was v Partick and St Mirren in the last game of last season.

  4. They won't all come from the same place though - some will come from city centre post-pints, some will come from other parts of the City, some will come from outside town. Lots will drive if there is suitable parking. You're right that adequate transport needs to be arranged, however that's a requirement for making the plan successful rather than a reason to be against it.

    They might not be coming from the same place, but they'll all be going to/leaving from the stadium. And the numbers are not changing too much there in terms of how many buses it would take to transport that number of people.

    I've never lived there or been much outside the city centre, but Aberdeen by all I've heard about it is ridiculously congested as it is? Creating a new stadium outside the population centre reliant on buses and cars to get people there and back sounds more than a bit problematic. I could be entirely wrong obviously and not picking up on stuff.
  5. Serious question - don't most big German clubs have out of town stadiums with a focus on getting fans there early, catering for pre / post match activities incl. family stuff, drinks, food etc. and having the game itself as a focal point of a day out at the stadium. Seems to work well. It's the model Man City have worked on as well since their move from Maine Road and seems to have worked well.

    If organised properly it could make Aberdeen a great day out, if totally different from the traditional away trip that involves beers in the town before walking to the ground. And it could drive much more of the match day spend into AFC's pockets.

    Most German clubs with out of town stadiums also have abundant subsidised public transport links. A shuttle bus service isn't going to be able to service 20,000 people. If it's taking half an hour to get there you'd need about 200 buses to transport that number of people who'd have to be arriving about 2 hours before kick off. In Aberdeen. During winter. And obviously the same amount of time after the game to get them back. That seems implausible.
  6. The Main Stand has a row of hospitality boxes that you can barely see under the roof. It also has the changing rooms, offices, gym, canteen, reception, boardroom etc. which would all need to be replaced.  

    Build the other 2 sides first then? Do the Merkland first with a bigger capacity than now (must only hold about 3k?) then tolerate the reduced capacity for 6 months while the south is getting done. Do the main stand only when you are able to.

    Hibs had talk of moving to Straiton a couple of times, but the fans kind of rebelled against it which stopped it happening. Easter Road got redeveloped, and that move would have killed us. Aberdeens support aren't as geographically concentrated around their stadium as Hibs I would think, but out of town stadiums with minimal public transport links seems pretty dangerous to me for the clubs future health.

    I hope whatever happens works out for you fwiw.
  7. It's worth also saying that we'd seriously struggle to fund 3 new stands without the sale of Pittodrie. The £50 million total figure includes £10 million for training facilities, £15-20 million from the sale of Pittodrie and £6 million saved from co-location of stadium and training facilities. Assuming the same finances were in place, this would leave approximately £15-20 million to redevelop three stands. For context, Hearts' new Main Stand has ran over its initial £12 million budget. 

    Hibs 6k east stand cost 6m, and it was in a similar sized footprint to the one the away fans are in at Pittodrie (south?). I'm assuming most of your hospitality etc is in the Richard Donald stand? That's where a lot of Hearts spending has went.

    It's looking unlikely, but I hope you do find a way to stay at Pittodrie. Always liked the place, despite the hypothermia.
  8. Yeah you might want to watch them...glory hunters have a tendency to crawl back under their rocks when things become stale again. A couple early cup exits and bottom 6 finishes and they'll be like sna aff a dyke. The feelgood factor has a shelf life and it ain't so long...

    Glory hunters wouldn't be the word I'd use tbh. I'd say most of the increase in support has been those heading back who Hibs had booted in the baws once too often, plus a huge amount of younger folk who realise Hibs are cool as f**k.
  9. Is there no rail link that could fit this? I thought traffic in Aberdeen was fucking horrendous? Building a stadium outside the city which looks mostly only accessible by car seems perverse if that's the case. Plus, nae peeve.

    I'm probably one of the few people in the world who quite likes Aberdeen and have semi regularly stayed up after a game. A c**t of a journey to and from the city centre for the game would absolutely put that as a distant memory.

  10. who'd have thought about a month ago Simon fucking Murray would be on 10 goals and strutting about Ibrox with his own song being belted out. Thank f**k we aren't going to get Agathe'd for him by some team

    There's a certain parallel in his career arc to Jamie Vardy tbh... So I think we can confirm that we're going to win the league.
  11. Retrospective bans for Stokes (how did the ref not send him off, he could have had 2 straight reds) and Cummins for the dive to win Saints penalty. Motherwell should appeal Dunne's red, Carson's maybe could have just been a yellow, but Wotherspoon is right next to him when he handles it, so it's pretty subjective. Oh and Biton's tackle was a stonewall penalty, the ref even had a clear view of it, so can't understand why he didn't give it?
    Simon Murray player of the week. Aye he's in a purple patch but its amazing how moving to a different club can suddenly make someone look so much better. Wee mention for Steven Boyd at Accies, also loved MacLean's finish for Saints first goal.

    I'd have no objections to a retrospective 2nd booking being applied to Stokes for the incident with Jack. If that happens though, Dorrans should be getting one too since he grabbed Slivka by the throat which is what sparked the second melee. He'd also be due a red if Stokes gets one since he done exactly the same thing.

    And sportscene somehow managed to miss speaking about Dorrans at all... Must be the kafflick conspiracy to blame.
  12. Lockey the teaboy's brother all over the Facebook saying Levein is taking the gig. 

    Honestly no the worst idea. He's basically responsible for the players you've signed anyway, and he's involved with training and tactics. If he doesn't get a tune out of them then it's easy to punt him since he's wholly responsible. I reckon he'd be fine. Awful football, but pretty close to guaranteeing safety.
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