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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I've always had a feeling Calum Davidson would manage you lot, and I've no idea why. Theres no chance of him leaving us and he seems to be getting prepped as our next manager, so I'm not sure what relevance this whole post has now.
  2. Is it not in the best interest of the Lannisters to keep them around? Seeing as they have the Tyrells locked up at the moment
  3. I'll be gutted if all this is true tbh, as its been talked about for years. Would be a hugely underwhelming thing
  4. The other ones been pushed back to 2018 now
  5. Entire United squads been told to f**k off, so if he did move he'd have to build an entire squad
  6. Depends on how much meaning you derive from Tywins last words, I suppose
  7. Gutted Queens definitely need fixed, they regularly end up with Anthony Stokes in the third season in my saves.
  8. I reckon Ghost could've taken a fair fucking chunk of them tbh, the initial shock of a massive, white, wolf pouncing on your chest would give it a wee advantage.
  9. I'm hoping he attacks Castle Black and the giant there rips him apart limb by limb, tbh. The bad guys are always the best characters in this. I miss Joffrey.
  10. I have a feeling they've still got something up their sleeve, and its curtains for one of the Lannisters. Jamie likely shoved himself to the top of the hit list and doesnt have The Mountain to protect him
  11. Should that be in spoilers? Feel like it should be
  12. I struggle to class him as a villain, tbh. They done a tremendous job in making you sympathise with him.
  13. Scenes. Was fairly obvious halfway through he was coming back but still, scenes. Hes bound to face off with his killers next week, be interesting to see how that goes. The Mountain hopefully gets a decent chance to absolutely f**k shit up.
  14. Pretty much what I expected to hear tbh, shame as hes a big quick lad who can ping the ball about, just something missing mentally though
  15. Killies three year deals are funny things, and seem to be more a case of being a one year deal with an optional one year extension every summer. Would hope we'd be one of the sides interested in McKeown if its true hes offski.
  16. Is Fraz not starting his A license after the Summer?
  17. Hows Brad McKay been for you lot? Seems a general consensus we'll allow him to leave in the Summer if he can find a new club
  18. I'm gutted Falkirk finished second. Means we've got to wait even longer to announce the Alston deal.
  19. Its infuriating. When Caps letters being read out and you see people in jail, you know, right at the end of the film, a kid along from me asked his dad how they ended up in jail. I was seething.
  20. On holiday this week so scavenging for meals will become the norm. Todays lunch will be reheated macaroni cheese with a side of reheated donner meat.
  21. Worth noting that theres already a few folk shouting down the critics by claiming they only dislike her because shes black
  22. Finally got to see Civil War, shame I ended up surrounded by three year old children whose parents had obviously decided could sit through three hours of something they'd have no chance of understanding. Smart move, arseholes.
  23. This rotting carcass should've been chucked in the bin years ago, you'd be better letting it die and starting afresh in non-league football.
  24. Apparently you lot are close to agreeing PCAs with Michael McGovern and Ziggy Gordon. No idea how legit it is, but its popped up in a few different places now.
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