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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. My heart is still racing after I woke up this morning and realised it was my last day of work before tomorrow, I might not survive the night. Utterly shitting it, and some people might have noticed I've barely posted on this site over the past week in my desperation to continue living my life and not be consumed by thoughts of the Final. I have to say I simply can't comprehend seeing us win the trophy, theres just a part of me that can't work it out in my brain. I cant even figure out that we'll be playing in the Scottish Cup Final tomorrow either, something about is so completely surreal to me that it can't make sense no matter how much I read about it actually happening. I do think its maybe jut my own brains defence mechanism against the sheer horror I feel whenever I think about the whole thing. Tonight will be hellish, and up until kick off tomorrow I'll be feeling utterly sick. I really, really, really want us to win, as I've never been the type of fan who walks away after loss happy that we gave it our best shot, if we lose I'll be heartbroken and in a shiter of a mood for weeks. Please win Saints, please.
  2. I'm actually very good mates with the guy receiving the hand job, although it wasn't me giving it to him this time before anyone says it
  3. Nah I'm not even that, just a mechanic in a small garage. Be thankful I can't charge you for reading my posts though, or that I can't put into words the motion of sucking air through my teeth
  4. I can only apologise, I genuinely can't believe it though. Ninety one hours from now we'll be in a packed Celtic Park watching the sides run out. Christ
  5. Yeah I kind of regret thinking about it now. f**k. ITS ONLY 91 HOURS UNTIL KICK OFF
  6. Agree with most people about last nights episode. I'm well past the point of wanting Theon/Reek dead and the whole shitty storyline finished with, although the way it ended last night suggests it merely the beginning of the whole thing. I also agree that the Daenerys storyline is stagnating badly, but I've no idea where it can really go from here now, clearly she wants to take Westeros but does she now want to rule on both sides of the water? Or does she just want the Iron Throne back? Feels like her story moved too fast early on and now shes having to wait on everyone catching up. Enjoyed the trip to the Iron Bank, the fact we got to see them emphasises my belief they've a big part to play in this series yet, possibly in regards to the Lannisters. Get the feeling this is Stannis' last chance at winning the throne though, and I don't think he's going to ever manage it, so I guess that means he'll likely die soon. Unless they change his story arc of course, although theres absolutely no scope for that to me. I know who fights in the trial, rather annoyingly, as I would've loved it if I had no idea. I do wonder how much they'll change from the books though, and thats keeping me intrigued for it immensely I also think Tommen is a good shout to maybe "win". He strikes me as probably being the best option for the "people", and I'm not sure who could really displace him (outwith Daenerys' dragons and the Iron Bank of course). I do feel Littlefinger will have a good chance, and talking about it last night with friends I'm starting to feel that he'll get married then throw his new wife and son out the "Moon door", therefore becoming Lord of the Eyrie and controlling an army. Can't see that sort of situation winning anything for him though
  7. To be fair he didn't mention it at first! He's come into us a few times and I vaguely remember my boss telling me about how he used to do voice overs or the like, but I can't remember if it was actually your dad or not he was on about. Anyway as soon as he heard your last name mentioned on the radio he knew, and I think he asked your dad today if it was any relation. So there we go. Well done anyway, and I hope it leads on to better things for you. Just a shame its not the type of song we could've sang as a support, but if we win, and its played at the end? Fucking hell there'll be hunners of tears everywhere
  8. Here now, not much happens in my life, so these little intrigues amuse me. Also I spent last week drunkenly mocking one of my mates for possibly wearing brown shoes by repeatedly saying "Brown shoes, Yogi Hughes" as if it was some form of insult, so for the Saints players to then go all out with them is sort of disheartening
  9. Its interesting you've posted as I was away to come on and mention the fact your dad (so my boss tells me) was in at my work today selling us his VW Bora. Kind of shows how recognisable you and your band have become around Perth
  10. Yeah thats how I see it. I think Wotherspoons performances over this half of the season will edge it, he's been solid and his deliveries could be crucial. I don't Croft offers as much. I'd also have Millar ahead of Cregg, Creggs not played enough, nor performed well enough, to take the place. Although he seemed to work well with Dunne when he has played. Can't see anything but... Mannus Mackay - Anderson - Wright - Easton Wotherspoon - Millar - Dunne - O'Halloran MacLean - May Which I would never have predicted two months ago, O'Halloran being an absolute stick on is a surprise when you look back. We know TW isn't afraid to change things though, so it wouldn't be a huge shock to see two or three changes from that line up
  11. I was at the darts on Thursday, and due to circumstances we got the chance to meet Peter Wright once it was finished. Went to the hotel to meet him and ended up meeting Dave Chisnall and Phil Taylor at the same time as they were all sharing a drink and watching SSN. They were all utterly sound, and Taylor was far less of a knob than everyone seems to say he is, he quite happily chatted away and (eventually) understood what a selfie was and got in photos with people. Chisnall was quite happy to take photos instead of being in them aswell. We also saw Van Gerwen as we were leaving aswell, he gave us a wee wave
  12. Without being funny, thats an utterly tremendous idea if you're skint and drunk
  13. Bloody hell, that should be a sacking offence in itself really
  14. I hope you can, purely because one of my favourites ever Saints experiences was at Palmerston. While one of my worst was at Accies. Falkirk are the only team to call off a game while I've been at the stadium aswell. Its probably a fickle reason, buts it a reason none the less!
  15. From someone looking in from the outside it looked like you lot were the weakest side left in, but Falkirk seem capable of complete no shows, and with a lead going into the second leg you should scrape through. You're due a win or two over Hamilton aswell, who strike me as a poorer side than results suggest
  16. Yeah an over reliance on Boyd probably hasn't helped you this season, although he'd likely be too good for most Championship defences (I'd be lying if I said I knew how good they are) If Eremenko decides he can be arsed you'll likely be comfortable
  17. I'm interested to see what happens with the Iron Bank "storyline". Its now been brought up two or three times this series that I can remember, and I don't think they'd continuously make reference to it if it wasn't going to become a larger scale "storyline", although its more than possible it'll just be forgotten about and never mentioned again
  18. Things are setting up nicely for a Killie v QOS Play off Final
  19. These wouldve been far funnier if there was any chance throbber actually had a bird
  20. I'm the same. One minute I love it as I won't spend my night just sitting staring at it, and it won't scare the shite out me every time I catch it looking at me. But on the other hand I'm utterly terrified I get on the bus and get told I never ordered any tickets and they dont have any for me. It really is a lose/lose situation
  21. It ridiculous really, considering its still technically about two weeks away, but its unstoppable. I wasnt able to sleep the night before the Semi, and spent the whole bus journey feeling sick. Going to the pub before this Final might not be the best idea really
  22. Tattoos on the knuckle, empty glasses and a sleeping lassie. He quite clearly date raped them.
  23. My arse has begun twitching at the mere sight of "Cup Final". I'll be a fucking wreck this time next week
  24. Yeah but in this case the deaf guy is a complete hipster who tells everyone he can that some shitey no mark band they "discovered" are by far and away the best band that have ever existed. Ever.
  25. Started watching this today. Utterly superb
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