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Everything posted by Falkirk_Bairn_1983

  1. Yep rotate your phone and you will see the 4231 I posted
  2. Lewis TOE Froxylias Petravicius Paton Sammut Robson McGhee Dallison New RB Fasan I'd quite like us to try something like that. I know it's only 1 forward but there is 3 players behind playing in advanced positions. Against weaker opposition Sammut could also get forward leaving Paton sitting. Probably a load of sh!t but it's the best I could do to fit players in.
  3. What worries me is that Hartley doesn't seem to know how he wants us to play. Instead of signing players for a specific position it just looks like he has signed a bunch of players and will try and fit them into a formation. I tried to pick my team for tomorrows game and gave up half way through it. The RB position is a funny one. Tumilty was one of his first signings so he obviously knew it was a problem area. Hopefully he has someone lined up but it's just taking a while to get the deal done.
  4. Leave him. Theres definitely no way thats bollocks. Nope. Time will tell if it's bollocks or not. I'm hoping it is.
  5. Was told last week the new players have looked rank rotten in training. Didnt take too much notice of it at the time but maybe there is truth to it!
  6. Surely Harris will be gone soon. Although not sure who will want to take him. Shepherd won't leave. Would struggle to get a team in League 2.
  7. I'd be surprised if we don't go 352 today. Will be interesting what he does with the rb/rwb today. It was enough of a problem for Hartley to go and get Tumilty last season so I'd be surprised if he doesn't sign someone, possibly on loan.
  8. Time will tell. How has Craigen done for you guys? What position does he play? I always thought Houston played him in the wrong position.
  9. Nothing like writing off our new signings before a competitive ball has been kicked
  10. How has Craigen done for you? Aird was shit for us but was always just a bit part player. Higgy was class anyone that says different is bullshitting.
  11. Decent Championship player but not good enough to make you a title contender. Will look magic one game then will go missing for a few. Nice guy but lazy sod now and again.
  12. Hippolyte on his day looks a class act that could easily play at a higher level than the Championship, unfortunately for us that was every 1 in 10 games at a push. Both Longridge and Hippo have the ability to demolish this league at times so wouldn't be surprised to see you's hammer a few teams this season but expect them to be very inconsistent.
  13. I went for a p!as in the toilets today and someone left a big steamy sh!t floating in the pan. That Craig Campbell is a scamp!
  14. Stupidly just had a look at onef. Jesus there a bunch of moaning pr!cks on that forum. Should just close the place down!!
  15. We always had a very good record when Kidd played at right back so I'd have no problem with him playing there this season.
  16. Took us a while to get the Loy deal done last season. I think players generally wait a bit and see if any better offers come up before dropping down a division.
  17. These games meaan nothing. Nothing more than a fitness exercise. Anyone moaning needs to get tae f**k.
  18. This. Two ok signings in my opinion. Flood will bring experience to the young Dunfermline squad and Paton will hopefully bring some dig to our midfield. If we had signed Flood we would have found positives to the signing and vice versa with Paton.
  19. It would be amusing to see how many goals he could score in one season in the Championship. Wouldn't be far off 40 in a good team.
  20. Na I wouldn't take Jordan Rhodes he's shit. I only wants strikers with 200+league goals, 150+ isn't good enough!!
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