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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. Interesting to hear the board say that some of what we make in future sales will be used to strengthen the team. That would mean next season the only ones we would be looking at getting any real money for would be Sibbs, Leahy O'hara or Gallagher. Possibly Grant if he plays well. The board throwing the dice and hoping for ICT and Hamilton to come down, with Hibs and Dundee Utd going up (if not us of course).
  2. Bloody good CM. Played on the right as we are weak as shit down that side. Add to that the fact he won't want to drop Kerr or Rankin for any length of time.
  3. Houston has questioned the defence and to a certain extent, the midfield last week. I would hope we will see a fee changes this week. We have the players there to go for the jugular from the off. Let's start doing g It. I'd be mightily pissed off if Muirhead is the only omission.
  4. Kingsley played 107 games for us. Tam McQueen for me has been the best left back we have had in my time.
  5. Tam McQueen, Jamie McGowan, Jamie Mcquilken, Stephen Kingsley.
  6. Taiwo started wide right last season before Alston came onto a game.
  7. If we go 3-5-2 every week, Craigen and Sibbs more central would certainly be the way to go. Didnt appreciate just how good Craigen was with the ball at his feet playing central. That would mean 1 of Kerr, Rankin or Taiwo in the middle. Ain't gonna happen.
  8. It is blatantly obvious where we are lacking, especially playing a narrow 4-4-2 formation with 4 central midfielders. We have 2 CM berths that have 3 players vying for them in Taiwo, Rankin and Kerr. Craigen and Sibbald can quite easily play there too. They are not wingers and never will be. You can tinker with formations as long as you have the system in place to play it. We have a squad which, to many would lend itself to a formation of 3-5-2. If he insists on one up front, then he has to to have Craigen and Sibbs just off Miller or McHugh, with Rankin, Kerr and Taiwo in the deeper rolls. Kerr works much better when it's him getting the ball from the goalkeeper. His concentration goes when he doesn't see the ball often. None moreso that Saturday there.
  9. Certain Falkirk fans. Sibbald us the most gifted footballer we have at the club who is being stifled by Houston playing him wide left. Playing in the old fashioned number 10 role behind the striker or strikers is where we see the best of him.
  10. My mate was in the room with Vaulks, Danny Rogers and Sibbs when Vaulks took the call from his agent confirming that the club accepted the bid. Barnsley actually came back in with a better offer but Vaulks had already given his word on the deal with Stubbs.
  11. Half that number and take off another 20 and you'll be nearer the price we got for him.
  12. Strolled through the games. Looks a good addition to the team.
  13. Im not supporting the board in my post. Ultimately putting their eggs in one basket basically caused the last few years scrimping and scraping.
  14. A culmination of spending big, Setanta deal collapsing and 2 housebuilders that had sponsored us going to the way didn't help either. Add to that paying the likes of Bullen 2k a week.
  15. Liam Henderson to be in the starting line up very soon. He'll be fast tracked.
  16. I see One F is offline. Anyone know what's happened to the site?
  17. Rankin still in at the stadium. Passed him 20 mins ago at reception.
  18. He's looked the part so far. He's some unit of a lad btw.
  19. Keithgy get these Hibs c***s and some of the Falkirk melts off this page.
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