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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. He'll be there as cover and won't be included in the 3 players that Houston says he wants to sign.
  2. I think we will see a shift in formation and style of play next season. Something akin to the diamond that Hibs played for most of the season.
  3. The CH that looked like the Hulk was useless on the ground and hoofed it out the park anytime it came near him. However no-one would beat him in the air.
  4. Apparently we are looking At Rory McKeown for next season. Is that the sturdy left back?
  5. There is no reason why we can't go for the league next season. We have shown that we can compete with Hibs who will be bookies favourites next season.
  6. Quick question. When the players were taking the applause today, why were Keith Hogg the leach and that hanger on hanging about like bad smells in the middle of them?
  7. Houston will have noticed exactly where we need strength.
  8. Serious question. Do you think McGinn and Cummings will be gone in the summer? Add to that your manager.
  9. Alston will be away but we have replaced him already with Craigen. Grant will go nowhere next season due to his injury. Sibbald won't go anywhere either and I personally think he will stay with us for a good few years yet.Vaulks I can see going, but he is replaceable.
  10. Just you concentrate on trying to replace Stewart and Hemming when they f**k off.
  11. Lee Wallace and Davie Weir attacked by Hibs fans during invasion.
  12. No surprise that Lee Miller being there has helped him. Ohara said that he has been a huge influence on him.
  13. If we go up I suspect Baird will be out on loan in January as I dont think he's quite good enough for the Premiership. Starting CH pairing of Watson and Muirhead.
  14. 8 goals. He's started 9 games and sub in 13. 4 in last 5 games
  15. Hearing this morning that Chris Mitchell has passed away. Tragic news.
  16. Livi, a Club resoundly disliked by every team's fans, back where they belong. Good riddance.
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